Ponder this:
As the clock strikes midnight tonight, what really will have changed?
Your heart will still beat the same, the sun will still rise in the morning as it does everyday, as the moon will still wax and wane...as it orbits the earth...also in the same way...
Now consider this:
When we were kids, whether it was Christmas, New Years Eve, a birthday or Halloween...every one of these events were magical.
Then we grew up...
And as we did, that magic slowly began to dissipate. Christmas became an extra bill to payout, birthdays became another date we'd often forget or just remind us of our age which we often regret, and Halloween was just a forecast of the fall and cold ass winter to come.
I've come to realize one thing about life,
"The only meaning there is, is the meaning you give."
So make this New Year mean something more, make it truly a time of great transformation and power.
Take your health back into your hands and love those in your life more than you every have.
Happy New Year, New Way, New Age, and New World.
Be safe and surrounded with love.
Thanks Niko - Wise Words My Fellow Leo
life...without boundaries - daily articles to help you create a powerful personal brand, build your own business & generate a massive royalty income...

Monday, December 31, 2012
No Matter How Busy You Are…
This is something I do every year.
This particular year, I shared it with my organization leaders. We went over everything good, bad & ugly and determined where and how we could step up and improve...
No Matter How Busy You Are… by Jim Rohn
No matter how busy you are, make sure to find some time over the next two weeks to reflect, think, give and plan.
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the ideal time for this. Try to slow things down. Spend time with the ones you love and care about. Take some time to talk with your spouse and kids about goals and dreams for the next year. Use this as a time to recharge your batteries (and not just by watching TV the entire time), and with excitement, think about a handful of changes or additions you want for your life in the New Year.
I believe you will find the act of reflecting, thinking, dreaming and planning (with your family) to be one of the most important exercises you can do that will positively impact the next 12 months.
And, remember, do not neglect to commit yourself to set this time aside, or you will find that the business of life can and will get in the way.
So, let’s all take a moment to gather up the past year of victories and defeats, growing as well as those times of stagnation, and use it to wipe a clean slate and thoughtfully design the next year the way we truly desire it to be.
This particular year, I shared it with my organization leaders. We went over everything good, bad & ugly and determined where and how we could step up and improve...
No Matter How Busy You Are… by Jim Rohn
No matter how busy you are, make sure to find some time over the next two weeks to reflect, think, give and plan.
The week between Christmas and New Year’s is the ideal time for this. Try to slow things down. Spend time with the ones you love and care about. Take some time to talk with your spouse and kids about goals and dreams for the next year. Use this as a time to recharge your batteries (and not just by watching TV the entire time), and with excitement, think about a handful of changes or additions you want for your life in the New Year.
I believe you will find the act of reflecting, thinking, dreaming and planning (with your family) to be one of the most important exercises you can do that will positively impact the next 12 months.
And, remember, do not neglect to commit yourself to set this time aside, or you will find that the business of life can and will get in the way.
So, let’s all take a moment to gather up the past year of victories and defeats, growing as well as those times of stagnation, and use it to wipe a clean slate and thoughtfully design the next year the way we truly desire it to be.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Believe in the Impossible
@billbanham: Believe the Unbelievable & Receive the Impossible. That's how dreams are achieved! Decide. Envision. Take Action. Keep Pushing & Believing
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Word To Live By...
Great piece...
Had to share...
Words to Live By
Your enemies = your teachers.
Your failure = your wisdom.
Your mistakes = your lucky discoveries.
Your conflicts = your growth opportunities.
Your undesired endings = your desirable beginnings.
Your grapes of wrath = your raisons d'etre.
Your painful feelings = your proud proof that you are dealing with your feelings... head on!
Thanks KS
Had to share...
Words to Live By
Your enemies = your teachers.
Your failure = your wisdom.
Your mistakes = your lucky discoveries.
Your conflicts = your growth opportunities.
Your undesired endings = your desirable beginnings.
Your grapes of wrath = your raisons d'etre.
Your painful feelings = your proud proof that you are dealing with your feelings... head on!
Thanks KS
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone?
Read this this morning and must say it put a smile on my face - it's all in how you look at things in your life...
Problems are a normal part of change. Things are changing so abruptly that there are going to be problems you face. So you must look at failure as an event, not as a person. I'm not a failure. Maybe I've had a failure or a temporary inconvenience. I've had a stumbling block, and the idea is to turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone, and step on it instead of stumble over it. So look at failure as the fertilizer of success. ~Denis Waitley
Problems are a normal part of change. Things are changing so abruptly that there are going to be problems you face. So you must look at failure as an event, not as a person. I'm not a failure. Maybe I've had a failure or a temporary inconvenience. I've had a stumbling block, and the idea is to turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone, and step on it instead of stumble over it. So look at failure as the fertilizer of success. ~Denis Waitley
Monday, November 12, 2012
Your Future & Your Past
Good friend and respected business associate @Todd_Abrams once tweeted, "When you arrive at your future, will you blame your past?"
It got me thinking...
If I truly live my life, in the moment, my plan for my future will be a mish-mash of everything I learned from my past !!!
It got me thinking...
If I truly live my life, in the moment, my plan for my future will be a mish-mash of everything I learned from my past !!!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Are You Attracting or Repelling?
Read an interesting blog post and watched the accompanying video and had to share. Thx TF
Here's a fact.
When you talk to someone, you are either attracting or repelling them. You're either drawing them in, or pushing them away. They're either liking you more, or liking you less.
Which would you prefer?
How do you attract (better/faster)
Here's a fact.
When you talk to someone, you are either attracting or repelling them. You're either drawing them in, or pushing them away. They're either liking you more, or liking you less.
Which would you prefer?
How do you attract (better/faster)
Friday, October 19, 2012
What should be an "obvious" point...but for whatever reason isn't...
Major thanks to John Maxwell, for simply bringing the obvious right back front and centre...
Attitude then Work Skills!
We need them both.
But the Foundation to Success is...
Attitude (first)
Work Skills (second)
= The Foundation to Success...
Major thanks to John Maxwell, for simply bringing the obvious right back front and centre...
Attitude then Work Skills!
We need them both.
But the Foundation to Success is...
Attitude (first)
Work Skills (second)
= The Foundation to Success...
Healthy Mind = Healthy Body
@DalaiLama Talks about healthy mind and body in this short clip from his talk at The College of William & Mary, October 10.
Baby Steps
Shake the burden that comes from seeing your baby steps, as a necessary discipline.
See them, instead, as optional dance moves, in life's conga line, that spark miracles, open floodgates, and lead to the near effortless manifestations of a royalty income business !!!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Be Happy
Be Happy > > happiness is being agreeable with what is; not with what you wish it to be
Thank you RRW
Thank you RRW
Monday, October 15, 2012
There's Little Difference...
There's very little difference in people, but the little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it's + or -
What's your attitude?
Thank you MS
What's your attitude?
Thank you MS
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
11 Ways Successful People Start Their Mornings
11 Ways Successful People Start Their Mornings
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Are You Doing What You Want To Do?
Ask Yourself If You’re Doing What You Want to Do?
Feeling unfulfilled at work shouldn’t be something you realize months too late, or even years. Consider making an earnest attempt every morning at what the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs told a graduating class at Stanford to do:
When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Is Your Family Too Frantic?
I personally found this article to open my eyes to what's really going on in my family, due to the vastly different schedules we run - business wise, and the hectic lives of two incredible teenagers....
Is Your Family Too Frantic?
Leadership expert Patrick Lencioni applies principles of running a great company to a great family.
Complaining about the crazy lives we lead is something of a rite of passage in our culture. Reactive, scattered, frantic, chaotic, stressed—these are all adjectives you might hear people use to describe their home life. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Patrick Lencioni, author of The 3 Big Questions for a Frantic Family (Publisher: Jossey-Bass, 2008), isn’t a family expert. But one day it dawned on him that the same leadership principles he teaches clients also apply to his family.
Stress and rates of depression, substance abuse and psychological disorders are rising dramatically. And this is especially true among middle- and upper-class families who are overwhelmed by the unfocused day-to-day lives they lead. Society is facing a serious epidemic of chaos in families, the cost of which is both real and painful.
“Life should be busy and demanding at times, but it should also be lived with a sense of purpose and sanity that allows us to be the people we’re meant to be,” Lencioni says. “I don’t think anyone is meant to be perpetually tired and stressed.”
Here are three things to consider when running your hectic family.
1. What values are most important to your family?
Is philanthropy a shared value? Being healthy and active? Continued learning? Family bonding? If you have a hard time thinking what your family’s values are, think about the individual members. The values you share with your spouse, for example, can be the same core values for your family.
For example, Lencioni asked a couple to think back to when they first met and describe what qualities they appreciated most in each other. Standing up for what you believe in is something the husband found desirable in his future wife, because he shared that same principle. Later when they started a family, standing up for what you believe in became a family value. So when a family member was faced with a decision, he or she consulted their family values for guidance on how to proceed. Values give context for your decisions.
2. What is your family’s top priority or shared goal?
Families function most productively when they have a common goal to achieve. Both short-term goals like taking a summer vacation or long-term goals like improving family communications help bring a family together. It gives them a rally cry to understand why “we’re all in this together,” Lencioni says.
So when a family decides to cook at home instead of dining out to save money, they are achieving an objective that leads to their common goal of taking a family vacation. When everyone makes small decisions that align with a bigger objective, they share a common vision for the future.
3. How will you keep family values and shared goals top of mind for your family?
The best-laid plans are worthless if they’re not executed. So review your family’s values and goals often and assess whether you’re making progress. Family meetings, open discussions and visual reminders are all ways to keep your family on the same page.
“Ensure your family has greater, more holistic context for the daily decisions you make about scheduling and activities,” Lencioni says. “Ultimately, those decisions are what make our lives frantic.”
Monday, July 30, 2012
Better Odds
If you’re a first time entrepreneur, the outlook is not so good.
Question is...How do you get better odds...Read below...
According to the Harvard researchers, there is performance persistence in entrepreneurship.
They write, “All else equal, a venture-capital-backed entrepreneur who succeeds in a venture (by our definition, starts a company that goes public) has a 30% chance of succeeding in his next venture. By contrast, first-time entrepreneurs
have only an 18% chance of succeeding and entrepreneurs who previously failed have a 20% chance of succeeding.”
Millions are falling victims to the false gurus out there pitching all sorts of easy button solutions. Promising easy money for things like stuffing envelopes, vending and ATM routes, completing surveys and all sorts of work from home opportunities.
Linda Walker, a small business coach from Montreal, specializes in helping entrepreneurs stay focused and on target. She also specializes in consulting entrepreneurs who struggle with ADD and ADHD.
She says, “Entrepreneurs face challenges from many sources… external threats may come from competitors, from the bank that turns you down for financing or the government agency that refuses your license application. Internal challenges are far more deadly to your success.”
These 10 challenges come up with my clients again and again.
They aren’t in order of importance, but ask any entrepreneur to list his or her most vexing challenges and I’ll bet you’ll find them on this list.
1. Paperwork: You hate doing it. You hate organizing it. You’d love to throw it out, but you can’t decide what you can get rid of and what to keep.
2. Delegation: You can’t trust anyone to do it as well as you. You haven’t practiced your delegation skills, it’s no surprise when it doesn’t go well, justifying your reluctance.
3. Perfectionism: Your standards are so high no one can live up to them. Not even you. But perfectionism is motivated by fear. You can’t be judged if you never finish.
4. Forgetfulness: Poor working memory makes you forget what you’re supposed to do. You can remember facts, but appointments? Commitments? Forget it.
5. Impulsive Behavior: A person of action, you’d rather move than take time to think. But shooting first and asking questions later just leaves a lot of hole you have to fix.
6. Projects: The trouble with projects, planning them, managing them and finishing them starts early. The business plan stops many would-be entrepreneurs before they start.
7. Procrastination: With so many exciting things to do, boring but necessary tasks are the bane of every entrepreneur. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow? Here’s a secret strategy that can stop procrastination in its tracks.
8. Getting Organized: You’re often inconsistent. Organized in some areas and disorganized in others, you can’t seem to transfer the same skills from one area to another.
9. Lack of Focus: You have so many brilliant ideas, each one “shinier” than the next,
that your biggest challenge is to pick one and see it through from brainstorm to business.
10. Time Management: You are chronically late, overcommitted and still overpromising. You underestimate how long things will take and often scramble to catch up late into the night.
Today, online universities are rolling out all kinds of entrepreneurial and internet
marketing courses and programs (Google search: “how to become an entrepreneur” and see what you find!) But these are largely academic and hypothetical and they cost thousands and thousands of dollars.
On top of that, you are learning from a professor who makes $85k a year, not an actual entrepreneur or business leader in the field who is actually successful doing the task.
Where the heck do you start?
CONCLUSION: Most entrepreneurs fail, and starting a traditional business is just
too risky.
SOLUTION: Business System
Don’t start a business, find a proven business system that eliminates all of those pesky variables.
SOLUTION: You need a mentor.
Someone who already has the results you aspire to have who is willing to show you the ropes.
A mentor could be a professional who advises entrepreneurs for a living or someone working in a related industry who is willing to help you.
And unlike your friends, mentors are typically more removed from you and your business. So they tend to be more comfortable delivering bad or critical news and advice.
And since many of them have either started up businesses in the past or have worked in industries that you’re trying to shake up, mentors can also fill experience gaps, as well as impart their wisdom on how to handle specific business challenges.
Thus, entrepreneurs — especially young ones — tend to tap their friends for business advice. But that can be a mistake. The reason is, friends tell you what you want to hear instead of what you NEED to hear.
So how do you find a successful entrepreneur who is also willing to give you the time of day? You could luck into one, or you could talk to someone in your exact same field, and ask them. You'll be shocked on how many true leaders will, in a heart-beat, help you out.
After two years of trial and error, trying to create a networking lifestyle for myself, I finally realized that what was missing for me was a mentor. I had all of the pieces, but was lacking the perspective of an already successful individual to help me put them together.
Once I found this person, I was able to do something in 3 months that I was previously unable to do on my own over 2 years.
Ever since then, I have committed myself to mentoring others to success in networking. This has become my personal mission in life: To wake people up to the choices that every individual has so that they can create the life of their dreams.
All you have to do is put your hand in the air and say, “I’m ready!”
There has never been a better time to start looking for self-employment. PERIOD. This is your time. The entrepreneurial gold-rush is happening as we speak!
You just need the right system and mentor!
Fortunately, we have it all wrapped up in one. Just do it...
Thursday, July 26, 2012
what NEEDS to be discussed...
Hello Blog Followers...
It's time to ask ourselves some heavy questions ("Am I Preparing Myself?), and give ourselves some "real" answers (Insert your answer in the comments section below)...
As our incredible spokesman (Donald J Trump) states...
"Don't Let Opportunity Pass You By...Which One Are You?"
Ladies & Gentlemen:
We don't need to discuss the economy.
We don't need to discuss (the lack of) job security in every industry/marketplace.
We don't need to discuss the unemployment rate.
We don't need to discuss the average person's retirement plans age/pension/lifestyle.
We don't need to discuss how 97% of the people live pay cheque to pay cheque.
Because, there's "nothing" positive to say about those any of those topics.
We do need to talk about your options.
We do need to talk about you taking you & your family's life into your own hands.
We do need to talk about 97% of the population getting out of debt.
We do need to talk about you "owning" your income vs "renting" your income.
We do need to talk about everyone's "plan b".
- Bill Banham, b2@momentumgroupglobal.info, 647-248-6303.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Time To Recalibrate?
Received a great email from marketing legend mr. kyle wilson over the weekend...
As you're recharging the batteries this weekend, make sure and set aside some time to calibrate your strategic plan for each area of your life, including your career/business (this one activity is a consistent habit I've found among top producers).
I wrote a short blog post Thursday that addresses a few core areas that can have the greatest impact on your short and long term success.
What Can You Control?
Posted on July 18, 2012 by Kyle
What Can You Control?
There is a consistent theme I’ve observed over the years from elite performers, whether it was Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Darren Hardy or Harvey Mackay. When faced with difficulties, hardships, challenges and all-around bad news or circumstances, these high achievers have simply focused on what they could control.
When your teenagers aren’t following your great advice…
When your spouse or loved ones are going through challenges you wished you could “fix”…
When your employer, employees and/or co-workers create unwanted or needed problems you have to clean-up…
When unexpected health challenges or sports injuries present themselves…
Or when things break… at the worst times…
What can you control?
For some strange reason, when crisis (or near crisis) events happen, we humans tend to want to control all the things we have no control over versus realizing the best and most productive thing we can do is to let go of what we can’t control and embrace and CONTROL what we really can control.
Jim Rohn said you can’t control the economy, the weather or the universe for that matter but you can control yourself. Ater all, that is one thing that matters most; especially how we respond when life throws us curve balls.
So what can you control?
Here’s my list of 7 areas we can and should take control of during good and bad times (for the most part, some are generalities…ok)
Our spiritual/devotion time. Whether it is prayer, quiet time, mediation, etc. when the world is upside down, we get to choose to make sure we are taking time to take care and nourish ourselves and keep our fuel gage full.
Our physical health–in particular our nutrition. Sometimes our health can be a by-product of good and/or bad genes, as well as random happenings. But we do put the odds in our favor through good nutrition and exercise. How we eat, in particular, affects how we feel. It is the fuel for the Lamborghini we drive each day, and our nutrition is in our control, regardless of circumstances.
Our relationship communication. How we treat others, especially our inner circle, is 100% up to us. Often times this takes mentoring, work and improving our skills but we ultimately have control in how we respond to others.
Our Education versus Entertainment quadrant. Brian Tracy calls it the E versus E equation. How much of your time is spent learning and growing versus being entertained? TV in particular — this is BIG! Are you building your dreams and securing your future or spending all your time watching and ‘sponsoring’ actors and athletes on TV?
Our Work. How focused are we during the time we allow for work? How well have we prioritized our activities? I’ve always been a hard worker but after starting a family I was fortunate to design a schedule that allowed me not to work evenings and weekends, for the most part. So that meant from 8am-6pm I was FOCUSED. Everyone I knew from my work world thought of me as the hardest working, most focused person they knew–and I was, from 8 to 6. Because I had those boundaries, it caused me to be laser focused during my allotted work schedule so when I was at home with family, I could focus fully on them.
Our Associations. You can’t change who your family is, or necessarily who your co-workers are, who you went or go to school with but beyond that you get to choose who you want to spend time with, learn from and emulate. Jim Rohn was so clear on this! Your associations play a huge role in your behaviors, your thinking and your values.
Our Attitude. This is HUGE! The number one thing I look at when hiring and working with others is their attitude. It’s the game changer in everything we do in life. Our attitude towards failure, towards bad news, towards obstacles, towards others successes, etc. is one of the single greatest contributing factors to our success or failure.
Bonus Area We Control:
Our Character and Word. Throughout life we all are presented with tests and challenges. Sometimes the temptation or perceived reward is small and sometimes it appears to be Big, but for sure it is not permanent. But if/when we do give in how it can then affect our attitude, relationships, self-esteem and will certainly have a greater negative impact than any perceived benefits. In those times of decision, yes, we have control of our actions, staying the course and doing what’s right.
I know there’s many other areas we can add to our list, but these 8 areas should keep us pretty busy. The more we focus on the things we have control of in our lives the greater positive impact and influence we will have on others we care about. As Jim Rohn so eloquently said, “I’ll take care of me for you, if you’ll take care of you for me.”
To Your Future Success,
Saturday, July 21, 2012
A great read. Thanks GB. Very profound...
We all have repetitive Problem-Patterns that keep reoccurring in our lives. How you handle a negatively charged situation can tell you a great deal about yourself and show you where you need to ”dig deeper”. If you keep avoiding or ignoring the Problem-Patterns, they will reappear over and over again with increased impact until you deal with them.
If you have the courage to ask yourself why you are doing things the way you chose to do them and be open-minded enough to appreciate the answers and act on them with full responsibility, you can actually ”change your stars”. By recognizing the Problem-Pattern and acting on it honestly you will transform the limitations and inertia that are the end result of the unsolved problem into freedom and enjoyment in the present. For it is in the conflicts, problems and obstacles that the greatest possibilities for growth and illumination resides.
I know that this is really hard to do but, if you can tilt your perspective a bit and see the obstacle as a little ”Buddha-in-Disguise” giving you great opportunities to evolve, you will be able to come closer to your Soul-Source and allow yourself to change your future in a constructive and beneficial way while at the same time letting go of emotional ”carry-on” as regret and guilt.
The message is not – Be a victim, feel sorry for yourself and give up!
What your little ”Buddha-in-Disguise” is trying to communicate to you is – Think differently, use the feedback to change path, correct your strategies and above all Seek Joy!
We all have repetitive Problem-Patterns that keep reoccurring in our lives. How you handle a negatively charged situation can tell you a great deal about yourself and show you where you need to ”dig deeper”. If you keep avoiding or ignoring the Problem-Patterns, they will reappear over and over again with increased impact until you deal with them.
If you have the courage to ask yourself why you are doing things the way you chose to do them and be open-minded enough to appreciate the answers and act on them with full responsibility, you can actually ”change your stars”. By recognizing the Problem-Pattern and acting on it honestly you will transform the limitations and inertia that are the end result of the unsolved problem into freedom and enjoyment in the present. For it is in the conflicts, problems and obstacles that the greatest possibilities for growth and illumination resides.
I know that this is really hard to do but, if you can tilt your perspective a bit and see the obstacle as a little ”Buddha-in-Disguise” giving you great opportunities to evolve, you will be able to come closer to your Soul-Source and allow yourself to change your future in a constructive and beneficial way while at the same time letting go of emotional ”carry-on” as regret and guilt.
The message is not – Be a victim, feel sorry for yourself and give up!
What your little ”Buddha-in-Disguise” is trying to communicate to you is – Think differently, use the feedback to change path, correct your strategies and above all Seek Joy!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Have fun with your “Bubble”
Awesome Read...
by Gordana Biernat.
Imagine a soap bubble.
When we are born, our ”In-Here-Bubble” is as transparent, sheer and beautiful as soap bubbles. I think this is one of the reasons why children are perceived as pure, vulnerable and delicate.
While in kindergarten we do not see any boundaries between the ”In-Here” and the ”Out-There”. Without thinking, we seamlessly interact between them, creating magic in our timeless reality just for the joy of it; retracting our ”In-Here-Bubble”, expanding it, bursting it and recreating it again.
Growing up, our beliefs about ourselves and our reality become more rigid and concrete resulting in the hardening of the translucent and evanescent surface of our ”In-Here-Bubble”.
The more we accept others opinions, beliefs and attitudes about ourselves and the world around us, the harder the bubble’s surface becomes until finally, we hardly sense the ”Out-There” reality.
We become lonely travelers in the fabric of the universe not remembering the original dreamlike lucidity and sheerness of our ”In-Here-Bubble”.
To soften and expand our ”In-Here-Bubble” we need to be creative and open again, like children. That way we can daydream and play a joyful reality into existence. For what is reality if not a shared interactive dream?
This is what my son shared with me one sunny Sunday morning when he was just 7 years old; ”What if everything is a dream Mom? I am a dream, you are a dream…Dad too… I am so glad that we are dreaming the same dream! ”
So, dream on! Play and have fun! Expand, retract, burst and recreate your ”In-Here-Bubble”.
Just for the joy of it!
by Gordana Biernat.
Imagine a soap bubble.
When we are born, our ”In-Here-Bubble” is as transparent, sheer and beautiful as soap bubbles. I think this is one of the reasons why children are perceived as pure, vulnerable and delicate.
While in kindergarten we do not see any boundaries between the ”In-Here” and the ”Out-There”. Without thinking, we seamlessly interact between them, creating magic in our timeless reality just for the joy of it; retracting our ”In-Here-Bubble”, expanding it, bursting it and recreating it again.
Growing up, our beliefs about ourselves and our reality become more rigid and concrete resulting in the hardening of the translucent and evanescent surface of our ”In-Here-Bubble”.
The more we accept others opinions, beliefs and attitudes about ourselves and the world around us, the harder the bubble’s surface becomes until finally, we hardly sense the ”Out-There” reality.
We become lonely travelers in the fabric of the universe not remembering the original dreamlike lucidity and sheerness of our ”In-Here-Bubble”.
To soften and expand our ”In-Here-Bubble” we need to be creative and open again, like children. That way we can daydream and play a joyful reality into existence. For what is reality if not a shared interactive dream?
This is what my son shared with me one sunny Sunday morning when he was just 7 years old; ”What if everything is a dream Mom? I am a dream, you are a dream…Dad too… I am so glad that we are dreaming the same dream! ”
So, dream on! Play and have fun! Expand, retract, burst and recreate your ”In-Here-Bubble”.
Just for the joy of it!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Today is Yesterday's Tomorrow
The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today. Today is yesterday's tomorrow. The question is, What did we do with its opportunity? All too often we will waste tomorrow as we wasted yesterday, and as we are wasting today. All that could have been accomplished can easily elude us, despite our intentions, until we inevitably discover that the things that might have been have slipped from our embrace a single, unused day at a time.
Each of us must pause frequently to remind ourselves that the clock is ticking. The same clock that began to tick from the moment we drew our first breath will also someday cease.
Time is the great equalizer of all mankind. It has taken away the best and the worst of us without regard for either. Time offers opportunity but demands a sense of urgency.
When the game of life is finally over, there is no second chance to correct our errors. The clock that is ticking away the moments of our lives does not care about winners and losers. It does not care about who succeeds or who fails. It does not care about excuses, fairness or equality. The only essential issue is how we played the game.
Regardless of a person's current age, there is a sense of urgency that should drive them into action now, this very moment. We should be constantly aware of the value of each and every moment of our lives, moments that seem so insignificant that their loss often goes unnoticed.
We still have all the time we need. We still have lots of chances—lots of opportunities—lots of years to show what we can do. For most of us, there will be a tomorrow, a next week, a next month, and a next year. But unless we develop a sense of urgency, those brief windows of time will be sadly wasted, as were the weeks and months and years before them. There isn't an endless supply!
So as you think of your dreams and goals of your future tomorrow, begin today to take those very important first steps to making them all come to life.
Thanks JR - since reading this late this morning, I've already made 27 calls today & booked numerous appointments...
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
You Are The Imaginer...
What if your life, as you imagine it, was limited by fictional boundaries in your mind, blocking you from truly becoming the best you?
What if, all you imagine to be true about yourself and your reality turned out to be borrowed, duplicated or mimicked information acquired and accepted subconsciously over time by you?
What if you, unknowingly, have assembled bits of beliefs here and there on your journey through life accepting them at face value just because they were presented to you by someone you, at the time, thought to be trustworthy and reliable?
Knowing this, would you be willing to challenge your beliefs and change the image of you?
All your beliefs about yourself and your self-worth reside in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind contains the things you think about yourself when you are alone and the things you believe and ”know” about who you imagine you are. Your subconscious belief system might seem like your own creation, it might feel like a very private matter, but, in fact most of the things you believe about yourself and your reality are not really created by you. Most of your responses, attitudes and behaviors are preprogrammed by society, school, parents, peers, books, TV and other media. As a rule people tend to mirror the programs presented to them unconditionally just to blend in and to avoid the pain of being different.
Know this; every event, incident or thing that happens in your life is by origin neutral. You define it into existence by giving it meaning. It is your definition of the circumstances that colours the experience and gives it a positive or negative charge.
This is exactly why you need to re-examine your beliefs. You are the Definer of your own Reality-Experience which means that your beliefs are very flexible. Some of them are true and accurate but most of them need reshaping so they fit in to your future reality.
Start by asking questions; Why..? Is it really so..? How come..? What if..? to the most basic things in your life and see what happens. Re-Define and Re-Imagine! It is truly a liberating process because it will help you transform limitations into freedom.
We are what we believe we are, and the creation of reality, the materialization of things in that reality – the law of attraction – works through the ”bondage” to that formula. Your beliefs are the fuel in your ”Reality-Making-Machine”.
If you want change to occur in your life you must start by changing your beliefs about yourself and your reality. Your life is fashioned in the image of you, and you are The Imaginer.
Imagine how wonderful you are!
Thanks GB
Till next time - Have an incredible day...b2
What if, all you imagine to be true about yourself and your reality turned out to be borrowed, duplicated or mimicked information acquired and accepted subconsciously over time by you?
What if you, unknowingly, have assembled bits of beliefs here and there on your journey through life accepting them at face value just because they were presented to you by someone you, at the time, thought to be trustworthy and reliable?
Knowing this, would you be willing to challenge your beliefs and change the image of you?
All your beliefs about yourself and your self-worth reside in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind contains the things you think about yourself when you are alone and the things you believe and ”know” about who you imagine you are. Your subconscious belief system might seem like your own creation, it might feel like a very private matter, but, in fact most of the things you believe about yourself and your reality are not really created by you. Most of your responses, attitudes and behaviors are preprogrammed by society, school, parents, peers, books, TV and other media. As a rule people tend to mirror the programs presented to them unconditionally just to blend in and to avoid the pain of being different.
Know this; every event, incident or thing that happens in your life is by origin neutral. You define it into existence by giving it meaning. It is your definition of the circumstances that colours the experience and gives it a positive or negative charge.
This is exactly why you need to re-examine your beliefs. You are the Definer of your own Reality-Experience which means that your beliefs are very flexible. Some of them are true and accurate but most of them need reshaping so they fit in to your future reality.
Start by asking questions; Why..? Is it really so..? How come..? What if..? to the most basic things in your life and see what happens. Re-Define and Re-Imagine! It is truly a liberating process because it will help you transform limitations into freedom.
We are what we believe we are, and the creation of reality, the materialization of things in that reality – the law of attraction – works through the ”bondage” to that formula. Your beliefs are the fuel in your ”Reality-Making-Machine”.
If you want change to occur in your life you must start by changing your beliefs about yourself and your reality. Your life is fashioned in the image of you, and you are The Imaginer.
Imagine how wonderful you are!
Thanks GB
Till next time - Have an incredible day...b2
Friday, June 22, 2012
Are You Done Before You've Even Gotten Started?
“Most men die at 25, we just don’t bury them until they are 70.”
- Benjamin Franklin
Think about that quote...
I might modify it slightly to a more politically correct statement and say "Most people" vs Most men...
Whether we like, dislike, believe or don't believe it, that statement IS the definition of the average employee in the world today.
You’re young, you don’t know what to do. You get a job at the same place where your friend works…you don’t even love it… it’s just good wages, or it’s comfortable or its easy… next thing you know, you get a girlfriend (or boyfriend), you get married, you get a mortgage, you have kids, and now you’re stuck in The Death Cycle of the Middle Class where you are spending the majority of your awake time, the most valuable asset that you’ll ever be gifted with on this planet, you’re spending that doing something you hate. Showing up to a job that you hate, on a commute that you hate, working with people that you hate. That is The Death Cycle, ladies & gentlemen.
Most people in North America today… they are so afraid to lose their "status", they are so afraid of what their friends are going to think, that they don’t ever do anything… they sit in the same position for the rest of their life… and then one day you look back and realize you gave everything for your employer and had no equity in the deal...
3 years ago I decided I wasn't going to live that life any more - Are you...? Thx RB. You woke me up this morning...
Long live Momentum Group Global
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Make Happiness Your Drug of Choice
Your brain contains some powerful drugs. That’s according to Joseph McClendon III, author of Get Happy Now: Get Happy in 10 Minutes, Feel Happy in 10 Days, Be Happy for Life (SUCCESS Books, May 2012). These chemicals in your brain can create feelings of happiness and euphoria, like dopamine or endorphins, while others can contribute to feelings of anxiety or depression. Sometimes people modify their body chemistry with drugs, alcohol or other chemicals in an attempt to get happy. Maybe you know someone who solves stress that way, or maybe that’s been you. The scientific truth is the body manufactures chemicals that mimic the way drugs like opium or valium affect your mood.
Just like morphine is a powerful pain medication that alters the way your brain perceives pain, your brain has naturally occurring chemicals that do the same thing and more, modulating your energy, emotions, ability to interact with others and ultimately, your happiness.
Inside your brain, you have a powerful drug that’s available free of charge, with no prescription and accessible any time day or night—it’s called happiness.
“Everyone wants to be happy,” McClendon says. “They seek it, buy it, chase it, medicate it and do everything possible to get it. I’ve spoken in more than 50 countries around the world and met all kinds of people in various cultures. I’ve seen people with every reason to be happy who are not, and I’ve met people with every conceivable reason to be miserable who are happy and content.”
But, he emphasizes, happiness isn’t complex. “It’s not distorted, a 12-step plan, or years of agony in counseling with some self-help guru. Happiness is the feeling of joy and excitement you get when you have hope, and move with positive expectation toward that positive dream, expectation, or goal.”
McClendon says, “Happiness is just an emotion.”
Your brain contains some powerful drugs. That’s according to Joseph McClendon III, author of Get Happy Now: Get Happy in 10 Minutes, Feel Happy in 10 Days, Be Happy for Life (SUCCESS Books, May 2012). These chemicals in your brain can create feelings of happiness and euphoria, like dopamine or endorphins, while others can contribute to feelings of anxiety or depression. Sometimes people modify their body chemistry with drugs, alcohol or other chemicals in an attempt to get happy. Maybe you know someone who solves stress that way, or maybe that’s been you. The scientific truth is the body manufactures chemicals that mimic the way drugs like opium or valium affect your mood.
Just like morphine is a powerful pain medication that alters the way your brain perceives pain, your brain has naturally occurring chemicals that do the same thing and more, modulating your energy, emotions, ability to interact with others and ultimately, your happiness.
Inside your brain, you have a powerful drug that’s available free of charge, with no prescription and accessible any time day or night—it’s called happiness.
“Everyone wants to be happy,” McClendon says. “They seek it, buy it, chase it, medicate it and do everything possible to get it. I’ve spoken in more than 50 countries around the world and met all kinds of people in various cultures. I’ve seen people with every reason to be happy who are not, and I’ve met people with every conceivable reason to be miserable who are happy and content.”
But, he emphasizes, happiness isn’t complex. “It’s not distorted, a 12-step plan, or years of agony in counseling with some self-help guru. Happiness is the feeling of joy and excitement you get when you have hope, and move with positive expectation toward that positive dream, expectation, or goal.”
McClendon says, “Happiness is just an emotion.”
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Lean In
Seth’s life was a mess. After marrying a woman he didn’t love, he was divorced before he was 30. He’d lost half his friends and half his money. He hated the guy he’d become, and he felt like he was going nowhere. Without a clue as to how to tackle the huge problems that tormented him, he decided he would begin to change his screwed-up life by coping with a single problem.
Seth had always been afraid of heights. Sitting on a barstool practically gave him vertigo. So he resolved to break out of that fear by doing something he never thought he could. He decided to go skydiving. That’s how he found himself wearing a blue jumpsuit, sitting on the floor of a little plane that sounded like it was powered by a rubber band. This is the stupidest idea I’ve ever had. I can’t do this. I should just go home, he thought. If he hadn’t been strapped to the instructor, he would have called it quits.
When the doors slid open and it was time to act, Seth froze. “The $275 is for the ride up. The ride down is free,” the instructor said. “If you are going to do this, now is the time.”
Seth didn’t feel like jumping. He was scared to death. But with the wind whipping all around him, he wondered, What would I be going home to? The only things waiting for him at home were Chinese takeout and a job he didn’t want to go to on Monday morning. Did he really want to be that guy anymore? The guy who let fear and regret rule his life?
So he closed his eyes, adjusted his goggles, eased to the edge of the open plane door and shifted his weight. He didn’t leap from the plane like an action hero. He just leaned in to the open sky—to the chance that something might shift in his life—and let gravity do the rest. And with that tiny action, he stopped being the guy who was too scared to handle a risk, who never did anything interesting, who let his failures define him. He became someone else, someone whose life wasn’t over but was just beginning.
Leaning in to that open sky gave Seth a wild ride and one hell of a stomachache. But that choice to lean in, that small shift in weight and change in direction, changed his life forever because it put him in motion. That is what leaning in is all about: taking the small action that will let your momentum take over and carry you forward.
You think you have to figure it all out before you take a step. Instead, lean in. Send that email. Pick up the phone. Sign up for that class. Commit and do it. What matters is that you push through your feelings and start moving. Take action and lean toward what you want without regard for how it will look or turn out.
You don’t need to take a massive leap. All you need to do is lean in and see what happens next. Make that tiny push, and then let gravity pull you through.
Seth had always been afraid of heights. Sitting on a barstool practically gave him vertigo. So he resolved to break out of that fear by doing something he never thought he could. He decided to go skydiving. That’s how he found himself wearing a blue jumpsuit, sitting on the floor of a little plane that sounded like it was powered by a rubber band. This is the stupidest idea I’ve ever had. I can’t do this. I should just go home, he thought. If he hadn’t been strapped to the instructor, he would have called it quits.
When the doors slid open and it was time to act, Seth froze. “The $275 is for the ride up. The ride down is free,” the instructor said. “If you are going to do this, now is the time.”
Seth didn’t feel like jumping. He was scared to death. But with the wind whipping all around him, he wondered, What would I be going home to? The only things waiting for him at home were Chinese takeout and a job he didn’t want to go to on Monday morning. Did he really want to be that guy anymore? The guy who let fear and regret rule his life?
So he closed his eyes, adjusted his goggles, eased to the edge of the open plane door and shifted his weight. He didn’t leap from the plane like an action hero. He just leaned in to the open sky—to the chance that something might shift in his life—and let gravity do the rest. And with that tiny action, he stopped being the guy who was too scared to handle a risk, who never did anything interesting, who let his failures define him. He became someone else, someone whose life wasn’t over but was just beginning.
Leaning in to that open sky gave Seth a wild ride and one hell of a stomachache. But that choice to lean in, that small shift in weight and change in direction, changed his life forever because it put him in motion. That is what leaning in is all about: taking the small action that will let your momentum take over and carry you forward.
You think you have to figure it all out before you take a step. Instead, lean in. Send that email. Pick up the phone. Sign up for that class. Commit and do it. What matters is that you push through your feelings and start moving. Take action and lean toward what you want without regard for how it will look or turn out.
You don’t need to take a massive leap. All you need to do is lean in and see what happens next. Make that tiny push, and then let gravity pull you through.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Congrats to SEPPO KANERVA on achieving the position of Executive Team Trainer.
Now positioned 2 earn $3,000 a month on a part time basis + royalties
Now positioned 2 earn $3,000 a month on a part time basis + royalties
Small Changes = Great Differences
You don't have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have... http://t.co/PsG0JBvr
Guess I'm going to the gym this morning...
Guess I'm going to the gym this morning...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Blog On Hold...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
I must apologize for the delay in posting. Personally and professionally has been quite hectic these past few weeks.
So, please refer to my Facebook page for regular updates, inspirational quotes/reading etc.,
I'll let you know there (FB) when I decide to get back here and continue posting...
Until then, onwards & upwards...
I must apologize for the delay in posting. Personally and professionally has been quite hectic these past few weeks.
So, please refer to my Facebook page for regular updates, inspirational quotes/reading etc.,
I'll let you know there (FB) when I decide to get back here and continue posting...
Until then, onwards & upwards...
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Manifesting Your Desires
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
An interesting Internet article I recently came across that speaks to a belief I have.
You can manifest your desires
“I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous.... “
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You are much more powerful than you may realize. You can manifest your desires, change your life 360 degrees and impact your world in unimaginable ways. You're probably thinking, "if I'm this powerful, why am I not already doing all the things you just mentioned?" That is a very good question... and here is the answer.
You see... there are powerful universal laws that operate all the time. You cannot see them, but they are there. These laws can and will allow you to manifest your desires, once you know how they work and apply them to your life. If you don't know about these laws or how they work.... Or you know about these laws, but don't apply them, your life will not change in the way that you want it to change.
The movie, "the secret" introduced world-wide audiences to one of these laws, the law of attraction. However there are other laws which work hand-in-hand with the law of attraction to bring you more money, better health, a house of your own or personal fulfillment. If you want your current "reality" to change, you have to change your inner reality, which are the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that occupy your mind every second of every day. All the things that you currently see and experience as reality is simply a symptom of what is happening inside of you. Change what is on the inside and you automatically change what is on the outside.
What you experience today is a result of what you created yesterday and the day before. Unless, you change something inside of you today, tomorrow will continue the same way that yesterday and the day before has been.
But how do I create the new reality I want as opposed to the current reality that I don't want? You do this by focusing only on the new reality that you want.
I know this is easier said than done, but you can do it.
- b2
An interesting Internet article I recently came across that speaks to a belief I have.
You can manifest your desires

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You are much more powerful than you may realize. You can manifest your desires, change your life 360 degrees and impact your world in unimaginable ways. You're probably thinking, "if I'm this powerful, why am I not already doing all the things you just mentioned?" That is a very good question... and here is the answer.
You see... there are powerful universal laws that operate all the time. You cannot see them, but they are there. These laws can and will allow you to manifest your desires, once you know how they work and apply them to your life. If you don't know about these laws or how they work.... Or you know about these laws, but don't apply them, your life will not change in the way that you want it to change.
The movie, "the secret" introduced world-wide audiences to one of these laws, the law of attraction. However there are other laws which work hand-in-hand with the law of attraction to bring you more money, better health, a house of your own or personal fulfillment. If you want your current "reality" to change, you have to change your inner reality, which are the thoughts, beliefs and feelings that occupy your mind every second of every day. All the things that you currently see and experience as reality is simply a symptom of what is happening inside of you. Change what is on the inside and you automatically change what is on the outside.
What you experience today is a result of what you created yesterday and the day before. Unless, you change something inside of you today, tomorrow will continue the same way that yesterday and the day before has been.
But how do I create the new reality I want as opposed to the current reality that I don't want? You do this by focusing only on the new reality that you want.
I know this is easier said than done, but you can do it.
- b2
Monday, February 13, 2012
Helping Others...

"We can benefit others through our actions by being warm and generous toward them, by being charitable, and by helping those in need..."
- Dalai Lama
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
This past week I spent time with 3 incredibly, inspiring individuals.

3 people, with different sets of issues to overcome.
3 people, that I've committed to helping.
3 people, who's life is about to change.
3 people, who will have a blessed life in 2012
3 people, who will change their family's legacy

I am blessed and grateful for this opportunity.
What are you blessed and grateful for?
- b2
Friday, February 10, 2012
Your Destination
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Last night on my way home from some meetings, I jumped on a phone call with with one of my mentor's (and great friend), Mr. Glen Williams (from Ottawa).
During our conversation, he mentioned to me that the prior evening he was driving and listening to a song. The song was called, "The River" by an artist that I worked with years ago (Garth Brooks)
It's an inspirational & motivating song, even if you aren't a fan of country music...
Glen said he was singing along with the chorus..."I will sail my vessel till the river runs dry, I'll never reach my destination if I never try!"
Then Glen said, that during the second run-through of the chorus, he actually (out loud) sang "I'll never reach my destination if I never try." Then he paused for a moment and actually punched the console beside himself and yelled out loud, but if I don't have a %#*£¥% destination I'll NEVER reach it!!!!
Ladies & gentlemen...The reason for this post is exactly what Glen felt and experienced. It's the exact same thing as I felt when I heard Glen talk about this experience.
If you don't have a destination - you will NEVER get there - That's a guarantee?
Think of it this way...If you got in your car right now, with no detination in mind, you'd either drive around forever, or end up in some place you never wanted or needed to be, but the only reason you'd be there is becasue you stopped and questionned why you were there in the first place.
Right now...Make a decesion...Define and set a goal and write it down...Write on a piece of paper. Tape it on the fridge, closet door, bathroom mirror - Do It right now - otherwise you'll end up on the path to nowhere...
- b2
Last night on my way home from some meetings, I jumped on a phone call with with one of my mentor's (and great friend), Mr. Glen Williams (from Ottawa).
During our conversation, he mentioned to me that the prior evening he was driving and listening to a song. The song was called, "The River" by an artist that I worked with years ago (Garth Brooks)
It's an inspirational & motivating song, even if you aren't a fan of country music...
Glen said he was singing along with the chorus..."I will sail my vessel till the river runs dry, I'll never reach my destination if I never try!"
Then Glen said, that during the second run-through of the chorus, he actually (out loud) sang "I'll never reach my destination if I never try." Then he paused for a moment and actually punched the console beside himself and yelled out loud, but if I don't have a %#*£¥% destination I'll NEVER reach it!!!!
Ladies & gentlemen...The reason for this post is exactly what Glen felt and experienced. It's the exact same thing as I felt when I heard Glen talk about this experience.
If you don't have a destination - you will NEVER get there - That's a guarantee?
Think of it this way...If you got in your car right now, with no detination in mind, you'd either drive around forever, or end up in some place you never wanted or needed to be, but the only reason you'd be there is becasue you stopped and questionned why you were there in the first place.
Right now...Make a decesion...Define and set a goal and write it down...Write on a piece of paper. Tape it on the fridge, closet door, bathroom mirror - Do It right now - otherwise you'll end up on the path to nowhere...
- b2
Thursday, February 9, 2012
A Positive Mind
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A positive mind is not a fruit hanging on a tree to fetch whenever we need it.
It's a power.
If you want to use it, you must first discover it in your very soul.
All the things and power we need to build up a happy life is in there.
We just need a truthful vision to find out what we need most.
A positive mind is not a fruit hanging on a tree to fetch whenever we need it.
It's a power.
If you want to use it, you must first discover it in your very soul.
All the things and power we need to build up a happy life is in there.
We just need a truthful vision to find out what we need most.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Don't Stop Asking Questions...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
- A very interesting article from motivational speaker, Chris Widener...
Eleven years ago I took my son on a trip. We left the house at 6 am on Monday and got home at 9 pm on Thursday. That is just 87 hours. However, that is 84,293 questions!
Don't Stop Asking So Many Questions!
I mean, ten-year-old kids can ask questions! They are question machines! It was a virtual question-palooza! He wanted to know why we got up so early, why we chose that airline, when we would get there, what things meant in the books we were reading, how they got the jelly filling in the donuts, and on.... and on.... and on.... For four days!! Even my friend who drove us to the airport told my wife later that he asks a lot of questions, even at 6 am! Anyway, you get the point.
I found myself repeatedly saying what thousands of you have said many times yourself, I'm sure: Stop asking so many questions!
And then it hit me: This is why so many people lose their ability to achieve success. We tell them to stop asking so many questions. That's right, we methodically strip our children of their innate inquisitiveness. And then when they get older we wonder why they don't think for themselves! We told them to stop asking questions! They were born with a desire to understand the world around them and we, because of our frustration with the process, tell them to stop asking questions. What happens when you tell someone repeatedly to stop asking questions? They stop asking questions. It is a classic example of negative feedback and association. The chances are high that it happened to you to some degree.
But being inquisitive is inherent to long-term success. We must constantly be asking questions of others and ourselves. We must relentlessly be questioning processes that we use. We must always question whether or not products can be improved. Questioning is what produces new answers, which leads us to forge new ground.
Where does that leave us? Recommit yourself to asking lots of questions. Start by going through the basics: Who, what, when, where, why and how. Except, put "why" at the front of the list. Why? Because "why" gets behind the scenes even more so that the other questions do. "Why" deals with more than facts; it deals with motives and reasons. "Why" can be very enlightening.
After all, "Why" is about 80% of all of the questions that kids ask, and if anybody knows how to ask questions, it is kids. That is, if we let them.
So, as you live your life, let yourself ask lots of questions. Yes, people will wonder if you are a troublemaker, but you will know that you are pursuing enlightenment, knowledge, and the wisdom that will take you far beyond those who chose to live as others tell them life shall be lived!
Don't stop asking so many questions, and if you have kids at home, don't stop them either!
Till next time...
- b2
- A very interesting article from motivational speaker, Chris Widener...
Eleven years ago I took my son on a trip. We left the house at 6 am on Monday and got home at 9 pm on Thursday. That is just 87 hours. However, that is 84,293 questions!
Don't Stop Asking So Many Questions!
I mean, ten-year-old kids can ask questions! They are question machines! It was a virtual question-palooza! He wanted to know why we got up so early, why we chose that airline, when we would get there, what things meant in the books we were reading, how they got the jelly filling in the donuts, and on.... and on.... and on.... For four days!! Even my friend who drove us to the airport told my wife later that he asks a lot of questions, even at 6 am! Anyway, you get the point.
I found myself repeatedly saying what thousands of you have said many times yourself, I'm sure: Stop asking so many questions!
And then it hit me: This is why so many people lose their ability to achieve success. We tell them to stop asking so many questions. That's right, we methodically strip our children of their innate inquisitiveness. And then when they get older we wonder why they don't think for themselves! We told them to stop asking questions! They were born with a desire to understand the world around them and we, because of our frustration with the process, tell them to stop asking questions. What happens when you tell someone repeatedly to stop asking questions? They stop asking questions. It is a classic example of negative feedback and association. The chances are high that it happened to you to some degree.
But being inquisitive is inherent to long-term success. We must constantly be asking questions of others and ourselves. We must relentlessly be questioning processes that we use. We must always question whether or not products can be improved. Questioning is what produces new answers, which leads us to forge new ground.
Where does that leave us? Recommit yourself to asking lots of questions. Start by going through the basics: Who, what, when, where, why and how. Except, put "why" at the front of the list. Why? Because "why" gets behind the scenes even more so that the other questions do. "Why" deals with more than facts; it deals with motives and reasons. "Why" can be very enlightening.
After all, "Why" is about 80% of all of the questions that kids ask, and if anybody knows how to ask questions, it is kids. That is, if we let them.
So, as you live your life, let yourself ask lots of questions. Yes, people will wonder if you are a troublemaker, but you will know that you are pursuing enlightenment, knowledge, and the wisdom that will take you far beyond those who chose to live as others tell them life shall be lived!
Don't stop asking so many questions, and if you have kids at home, don't stop them either!
Till next time...
- b2
Monday, February 6, 2012
Laying the Foundation
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A "rock-solid" article from Mr. Ziglar via Mr. Rohn...
Laying the Foundation by Zig Ziglar:
There are six characteristics that comprise the foundation stones of your life and your success. The six characteristics are honesty, character, faith, integrity, love, and loyalty. All of these foundation stones are necessary to create a Wheel of Life that is balanced and will produce the kind of success I’ve described. In my eighty-five years of living I have learned that people who compromise any of these principles usually end up with only a beggar’s portion of what life offers them. I’ve seen people acquire money through dishonesty and deceit, but their friends are few and they lack true peace of mind. The business professional who alienates his family in his climb to the top is not a success.
People who have no faith in something greater than themselves can only rely on themselves in times of great difficulty. The longer I live and the more successful people I meet, the more convinced I become that these foundation stones are the most critical success weapons you have in your arsenal.
Why are these foundation stones so important to your success? Well, I’m glad you asked, because I’m going to tell you! A human being goes through life thinking and doing. Then they usually do what they think about most of the time. I want to remind you that you were born to win. I also want to remind you that you are what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind, but you can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. The reason this is so is because you generally do what you think. Your thinking drives your choices. Choices determine the action you take, and action produces the results of your life. You can only think in ways consistent with the information you have in your mind. So to change what you do, you have to change the way you think, and to think differently, you need to change what goes into your mind.
Who we are is determined by the foundation stones of honesty, character, faith, integrity, love, and loyalty. The six foundational stones essentially provide the raw material for all your thinking. As such, they become the core characteristics of what you are, do, and have, which ultimately determines the results you get in life. These stones form your code for success or failure because your thinking and your actions must be consistent with the characteristics of the foundation you build.
I wish it were possible for me to introduce you to the many personable, persuasive, talented—even brilliant—people I have met in my travels who are generally just one step in front of the bill collector and sometimes just two steps ahead of the law. They are always looking for a “deal” and the “fast buck.” They never build very much or very high, because they have no foundation to build on. Others don’t realize that the real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job; that you can best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things and then climbing the stairs of success, one at a time. Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice. The foundation stones provide the basis for making the right choices.
A "rock-solid" article from Mr. Ziglar via Mr. Rohn...
Laying the Foundation by Zig Ziglar:
There are six characteristics that comprise the foundation stones of your life and your success. The six characteristics are honesty, character, faith, integrity, love, and loyalty. All of these foundation stones are necessary to create a Wheel of Life that is balanced and will produce the kind of success I’ve described. In my eighty-five years of living I have learned that people who compromise any of these principles usually end up with only a beggar’s portion of what life offers them. I’ve seen people acquire money through dishonesty and deceit, but their friends are few and they lack true peace of mind. The business professional who alienates his family in his climb to the top is not a success.

Why are these foundation stones so important to your success? Well, I’m glad you asked, because I’m going to tell you! A human being goes through life thinking and doing. Then they usually do what they think about most of the time. I want to remind you that you were born to win. I also want to remind you that you are what you are and where you are because of what’s gone into your mind, but you can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind. The reason this is so is because you generally do what you think. Your thinking drives your choices. Choices determine the action you take, and action produces the results of your life. You can only think in ways consistent with the information you have in your mind. So to change what you do, you have to change the way you think, and to think differently, you need to change what goes into your mind.
Who we are is determined by the foundation stones of honesty, character, faith, integrity, love, and loyalty. The six foundational stones essentially provide the raw material for all your thinking. As such, they become the core characteristics of what you are, do, and have, which ultimately determines the results you get in life. These stones form your code for success or failure because your thinking and your actions must be consistent with the characteristics of the foundation you build.
I wish it were possible for me to introduce you to the many personable, persuasive, talented—even brilliant—people I have met in my travels who are generally just one step in front of the bill collector and sometimes just two steps ahead of the law. They are always looking for a “deal” and the “fast buck.” They never build very much or very high, because they have no foundation to build on. Others don’t realize that the real opportunity for success lies within the person and not in the job; that you can best get to the top by getting to the bottom of things and then climbing the stairs of success, one at a time. Success and happiness are not matters of chance but choice. The foundation stones provide the basis for making the right choices.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
It is important that I clarify the following...
There are a lot of people online posting that Sir Richard has personally partnered up with me in business. This is in fact "not" true...I/we are only in a position of reselling/disbruting some of his Virgin services in the European marketplace
Please remove any and all posts pertaining to this...
- b2
It is important that I clarify the following...
There are a lot of people online posting that Sir Richard has personally partnered up with me in business. This is in fact "not" true...I/we are only in a position of reselling/disbruting some of his Virgin services in the European marketplace
Please remove any and all posts pertaining to this...
- b2
Master The Bounce (part two)
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Sorry about this, but today is an insanely busy day. Already running behind...
So, today's post is a "re-post" from last year simply because I personally experienced "a bad day, yesterday"

Before reading the rest, I suggest you read "Mastering The Bounce."
You see, yesterday wasn't the most productive day - Actually to be honest, it was a costly vs productive day...
- Drove downtown @ 730am for a cancelled appointment...
- Drove back to the east end (Pickering)...
- Took Madison to the doctor's just to get the run-around...
- Drove to Burlington in a snow-storm for a 6pm no-show
- Drove to Mississauga in the same storm for an 8:30pm no-show
- Drove back to Pickering @ 9:15pm thoroughly frustrated...
- Got home at 11pm - Did I say massive snow storm ???
- Went to bed at midnight...
- Woke up at 2am
- Awake till 430am
- Quoted KT for the entire 2.5 hour period...Priceless !!!
- Today is a new day !!!
Late last night (this morning) reminded me of how (last year) I needed to learn how to bounce back from a bad day, bad experience etc. That's when I decided to go out and search for an article or two on how to bounce back from certain situations.
That lead me to posting "Mastering The Bounce". Now, while recognizing the situation and mastering the bounce used to help me initially, I must say that KT has been the Master of the Bounce as of late...Getting me back on track faster than ever before...
When was the last time you needed to bounce back from something and what helped you ???
- b2
Sorry about this, but today is an insanely busy day. Already running behind...
So, today's post is a "re-post" from last year simply because I personally experienced "a bad day, yesterday"

Before reading the rest, I suggest you read "Mastering The Bounce."
You see, yesterday wasn't the most productive day - Actually to be honest, it was a costly vs productive day...
- Drove downtown @ 730am for a cancelled appointment...
- Drove back to the east end (Pickering)...
- Took Madison to the doctor's just to get the run-around...
- Drove to Burlington in a snow-storm for a 6pm no-show
- Drove to Mississauga in the same storm for an 8:30pm no-show
- Drove back to Pickering @ 9:15pm thoroughly frustrated...
- Got home at 11pm - Did I say massive snow storm ???
- Went to bed at midnight...
- Woke up at 2am
- Awake till 430am
- Quoted KT for the entire 2.5 hour period...Priceless !!!
- Today is a new day !!!
Late last night (this morning) reminded me of how (last year) I needed to learn how to bounce back from a bad day, bad experience etc. That's when I decided to go out and search for an article or two on how to bounce back from certain situations.
That lead me to posting "Mastering The Bounce". Now, while recognizing the situation and mastering the bounce used to help me initially, I must say that KT has been the Master of the Bounce as of late...Getting me back on track faster than ever before...
When was the last time you needed to bounce back from something and what helped you ???
- b2
Monday, January 30, 2012
Momentum Group Global Events: Monday +

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:30pm
MIDLAND, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorn
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
33 Wigston Place, THORNHILL, ON (Bathurst & 407 area)
w/Debra Wilson
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
Park Inn, Woodbine Conference Centre - 30 Vice Regent Bvd., ETOBICOKE, ON
w/SVP/COC/PC Franco LoFranco
Wednesday @ 8:30pm
36 Ardglen Drive, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Bill Banham
Thursday @ 7pm
Downtown Location TBA
Thursday @ 7pm
770 Balaton Avenue, Pickering, ON
w/Bill Banham
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/David Holland
Friday TBA
Saturday @ 10:00am
190 Railside Road, Scarborough, ON
w/Local Leadership
Saturday @ 3:00pm
770 Balaton Avenue, Pickering, ON
w/Bill Banham
More to be added every day...
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above to b2@momentumgroupglobal.info
- b2
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Late last year I wrote a post on The Fundamentals, and the importance of mastering them.
Since then, I have made a concerted effort to focus on those fundamentals, but have found that "making the time" for each of them on a daily basis, can be difficult.
What to do ???
Well, I've made the decision to calendarize specific appointments throughout the day on a recurring basis.
What does that mean you ask ???
Well, at 10am (on a daily basis), my calendar goes off saying, "Call Someone". The goal for that appointment is for me to call as many people as it takes to get a hold of someone, to book a coffee with them so that we can get together, catch up and I can show them what I am up to...
At 2pm every day, my calendar goes off saying, "Follow Up". The goal for this appointment is for me to simply follow up with someone that I have met and shared my business with, to see how we can work together and/or support each other...
By doing this, I treat these as actual appointments vs things I have to do, or dread doing.
By nature, we as human beings keep our appointments, and procrastinate on the "things we have to do."
What are you doing to focus on the fundamentals on "your" business...
- b2
Late last year I wrote a post on The Fundamentals, and the importance of mastering them.
Since then, I have made a concerted effort to focus on those fundamentals, but have found that "making the time" for each of them on a daily basis, can be difficult.
What to do ???
Well, I've made the decision to calendarize specific appointments throughout the day on a recurring basis.

Well, at 10am (on a daily basis), my calendar goes off saying, "Call Someone". The goal for that appointment is for me to call as many people as it takes to get a hold of someone, to book a coffee with them so that we can get together, catch up and I can show them what I am up to...
At 2pm every day, my calendar goes off saying, "Follow Up". The goal for this appointment is for me to simply follow up with someone that I have met and shared my business with, to see how we can work together and/or support each other...
By doing this, I treat these as actual appointments vs things I have to do, or dread doing.
By nature, we as human beings keep our appointments, and procrastinate on the "things we have to do."
What are you doing to focus on the fundamentals on "your" business...
- b2
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Momentum Group Global Events: Sunday +

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Sunday @ 2:00pm
Renaissance Events Centre 2289 Barton St. E., HAMILTON
w/Sal Adamo, Tony & Marco Baggetta
Sunday @ 2:00pm
INNISFIL, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Sunday @ 4:00pm
691 Welcome Court, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva
Sunday @ 7:00PM - Strive For Five Power Hour
770 Balaton Avenue, PICKERING, ON
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 7:30pm
BARRIE, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Sunday @ 8:00pm (20 minutes)
CONFERENCE CALL (1-661-673-8659 enter code 618326#)
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 9:00pm (60 minutes)
CONFERENCE CALL (1-661-673-8650 enter code 728081#)
w/RVP/PC Rob Richards & SVP/COC/PC Mathieu LaMontagne
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:30pm
MIDLAND, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorn
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/David Holland
More to be added every day...
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above to b2@momentumgroupglobal.info
- b2
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Momentum Group Global: Events

Momentum Group Global VIP Event
Royalty DeRegulation $$$ Info Session
190 Railside Road,
Toronto, Ontario
"What is it" Session Starts @ 10am SHARP (please arrive early)
"How To Capitalize" Session Starts @ 11am - 1pm
See you there...
Friday, January 27, 2012
Momentum Group Global: Events

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Friday @ 7:00pm
205 Victoria St. South Bld. Apt 317, KITCHENER
w/Betty-Anne Ellis 647-637-0653
Friday @ 7:30pm
34 Senator Blvd., SCARBOROUGH
w/Trevor D'Silva
Friday @ 8:00pm
66 Denvale Rd, TORONTO
w/Franco LoFranco
Friday @ 7:30pm
141 Toryork Dr. ETOBICOKE
w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
Saturday @ 10:00am
TICC 191 Railside Rd., SCARBOROUGH
w/Franco LoFranco
Saturday @ 10:00am
Crowne Plaza Hotel - 7800 Universal Blvd., ORLANDO, FLA., USA 32819
w/Mathieu LaMontagne
Sunday @ 2:00pm
Renaissance Events Centre 2289 Barton St. E., HAMILTON
w/Sal Adamo, Tony & Marco Baggetta
Sunday @ 2pm
INNISFIL, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Sunday @ 4:00pm
BARRIE, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Sunday @ 4:00pm
691 Welcome Court, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva
Sunday @ 7:00PM - Strive For Five Power Hour
770 Balaton Avenue, PICKERING, ON
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 7:00pm
BARRIE, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:00pm
MIDLAND, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorne
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/Steve Walmsley
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above:
- b2
cross it off...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A couple of friendly quotes to help you get out and get whatever it is you want to get done, get done !!!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981)
"The whoel problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts..."
Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
This morning I took it upon myself to make a bucket load of calls - Something that I had been putting off, for like, EVER...
Crossed it off the list...
What things haven't you crossed off, that if you took just a few minutes right now, you could get it done ???
- b2
A couple of friendly quotes to help you get out and get whatever it is you want to get done, get done !!!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981)
"The whoel problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts..."
Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
This morning I took it upon myself to make a bucket load of calls - Something that I had been putting off, for like, EVER...
Crossed it off the list...
What things haven't you crossed off, that if you took just a few minutes right now, you could get it done ???
- b2
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events Tonight

What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
TONIGHT: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
TONIGHT: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @8pm - 66 Denvale Rd, Toronto w/Franco LoFranco
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
SAT: 10am - 191 Railside Rd., Scarborough w/ Franco LoFranco

MON: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, Scarborough (Lawrence and DVP)
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
2012 - Larry Raskin
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A short, inspirational note from Mr. Raskin...
A very special hello to all my family and friends as we begin 2012. As this year ushered in, I knew this would be "THE YEAR." A year of getting goals not just setting goals. Whatever it is you are pursuing now, know this...not everyone is going to agree w/you. Not everyone will want you to win. And, expect the darker forces of this world to attack you. But know that God doesn't manufacture junk and you were put here to do something special. Success is your birthright. You need to believe that. Your purpose is about ready to be revealed. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Now, let go out and make it happen my friends...
- b2
A short, inspirational note from Mr. Raskin...

A very special hello to all my family and friends as we begin 2012. As this year ushered in, I knew this would be "THE YEAR." A year of getting goals not just setting goals. Whatever it is you are pursuing now, know this...not everyone is going to agree w/you. Not everyone will want you to win. And, expect the darker forces of this world to attack you. But know that God doesn't manufacture junk and you were put here to do something special. Success is your birthright. You need to believe that. Your purpose is about ready to be revealed. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Now, let go out and make it happen my friends...
- b2
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events

What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
TONIGHT: @730pm - 30 Vice Regent Blvd, Etobicoke w/Lara Combs
TONIGHT: @730pm - 5230 Creditview Rd Mississauga w/Trevor D'Silva
TONIGHT @730PM - 4916 Cameron Ave, Beamsville w/Tony Baggetta
TONIGHT @730pm - 231 Hawkswood Trail, Ancaster w/Marco Baggetta
TONIGHT: @830pm - 36 Ardglen Dr. Brampton w/Vince Prochilo
THU: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
THU: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @8pm - 66 Denvale Rd, Toronto w/Franco LoFranco
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
Saturday 10am - 191 Railside Rd., Scarborough w/ Franco LoFranco
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
2 Questions...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
I have 2 simple questions for you:
“What is your definition of success?"
"Do you know what success is and what it isn’t?”
If you hesitated, struggled, or tried to answer either question with one sentence, or attempted to define success with one idea, then you need to re-think your plans to attain success. After all, how can you achieve something you can’t even describe?
“True success, has more components than one sentence or idea can contain.”
- Zig Ziglar
Knowing what you want, being able to clearly relate it to an outsider — that is the first step which many jump over, only to misstep later on in the race of life.
If understanding success is the easily forgotten step, then understanding your goals is the next underrated course of action. Ziglar gives a compelling illustration of the power of understanding one’s purpose
“Three men were busy at the same task, and a passerby stopped and asked each of the men what they were doing. The first man said, “I am cutting stone.” The second man said, “I am earning my living.” The third man said, “I am building a cathedral.” All three of the men were involved in cutting stone. The first man saw no purpose or value in what he was doing, and my guess is that his days were long and tedious. He probably went home tired and exhausted every night and dreaded going to work each day.
The second man had a different perspective. He saw cutting the stones as a means to earn a living and probably had a better attitude than the first man. However, the value and :
purpose he saw in his effort was merely about getting his paycheck. I imagine this man spent a lot of time thinking about other jobs he might be able to get and probably found his work boring and repetitive.
The third man knew he was cutting stone, and he knew he was earning a paycheck, but he also saw value and purpose in his work that transcended those basic realities. The third man was building a cathedral that would be used by people. The cathedral would be a spiritual and social center where men and women could come to worship and fellowship together. That church, when completed, would give people hope and help them live better lives. What do you think the third man’s attitude was about his work? My guess is that he couldn’t wait to get to work every day. I imagine he arrived early and stayed late. He probably talked about his work all the time and was grateful to be doing something that was so much fun! I’m sure he could visualize that finished church in his mind and couldn’t wait to go there.”
Which one are you ???
_ b2
I have 2 simple questions for you:
“What is your definition of success?"
"Do you know what success is and what it isn’t?”
If you hesitated, struggled, or tried to answer either question with one sentence, or attempted to define success with one idea, then you need to re-think your plans to attain success. After all, how can you achieve something you can’t even describe?
“True success, has more components than one sentence or idea can contain.”
- Zig Ziglar
Knowing what you want, being able to clearly relate it to an outsider — that is the first step which many jump over, only to misstep later on in the race of life.
If understanding success is the easily forgotten step, then understanding your goals is the next underrated course of action. Ziglar gives a compelling illustration of the power of understanding one’s purpose
“Three men were busy at the same task, and a passerby stopped and asked each of the men what they were doing. The first man said, “I am cutting stone.” The second man said, “I am earning my living.” The third man said, “I am building a cathedral.” All three of the men were involved in cutting stone. The first man saw no purpose or value in what he was doing, and my guess is that his days were long and tedious. He probably went home tired and exhausted every night and dreaded going to work each day.
The second man had a different perspective. He saw cutting the stones as a means to earn a living and probably had a better attitude than the first man. However, the value and :

purpose he saw in his effort was merely about getting his paycheck. I imagine this man spent a lot of time thinking about other jobs he might be able to get and probably found his work boring and repetitive.
The third man knew he was cutting stone, and he knew he was earning a paycheck, but he also saw value and purpose in his work that transcended those basic realities. The third man was building a cathedral that would be used by people. The cathedral would be a spiritual and social center where men and women could come to worship and fellowship together. That church, when completed, would give people hope and help them live better lives. What do you think the third man’s attitude was about his work? My guess is that he couldn’t wait to get to work every day. I imagine he arrived early and stayed late. He probably talked about his work all the time and was grateful to be doing something that was so much fun! I’m sure he could visualize that finished church in his mind and couldn’t wait to go there.”
Which one are you ???
_ b2
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Who's Your Mentor
Finish This:
If I could pick the brain of any one person for one hour, it would be _______________ because _______________.
If I could pick the brain of any one person for one hour, it would be _______________ because _______________.
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events

What Is It & How Can You Capitalize On It ???
Click on your preferred venue for the map...
TONIGHT @700pm - 1220 Newell St, Milton w/Roy Kim
TONIGHT @730pm - 8 Fandor Way, Brampton w/ Trevor D’Silva
TONIGHT @730pm - 23 Chickadee Cres Brampton w/Marco Baggetta
TONIGHT @730pm - 1168 Kingdale, Newmarket w/Tony Baggetta
WED: @730pm - 30 Vice Regent Blvd, Etobicoke w/Camilla LoFranco
WED: @730pm - 5230 Creditview Rd Mississauga w/Trevor D'Silva
WED: @830pm - 36 Ardglen Dr. Brampton w/Vince Prochilo
THU: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
THU: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
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