Monday, August 2, 2010

The New Interagency Report

Happy August Everyone, I trust July was good to/for you all. Below is my latest video blog detailing a very interesting report that my friend/mentor, Dino sent me via email. I felt it important enough to share with you. Here's hoping it opens your eyes as much as it did mine. What I did neglect to mention, however, is that at the end of the video, "your own business does not need to be worked full-time...There's 10's of 1,000's of North American's who have started their own business and only work it on a "part-time" basis, until it develops into a "full-time" financially. You too can start your own business with the right support". So, consider that after reviewing today's video. And please, feel free to comment on today's topic - Good, Bad or Ugly - I read and respond to them all !!! Enjoy...


  1. Great video Bill and very revealing stats. Business ownership is where it's at and the most accessible way to generate wealth, especially with the tried and true concepts of persistence and patience.

    Don't have to be the smartest, the strongest, or the fastest.

    Keep these great posts a comin' buddy

  2. Just curious about your opinion on this Stats Canada statistic..

    * about 145,000 new businesses start up each year in this country
    * about 137,000 businesses declare bankruptcy each year

    They estimate an average 80% of businesses go under in the first 5 years. I'm not trying to be negative.. in fact I'm currently starting something with a friend myself. However I'm just curious what your interpretation of this is and how we could potentially lower that number as Canadians.

  3. Very good question and point(s) Cory G...

    My personal opinion is that those numbers could be lowered in Canada, if new entrepreneure's researched their new businesses a little better.

    Targeted a specific demographic better.

    Found a specific niche in the market better.

    Starting a new business from scratch is an extraordinarily difficult thing to do.

    My suggestion is research, research, research.

    Make sure that all the bases are covered prior to launching.

    Good luck with your new opportunity...

    What industry is in within (if you don't mind me asking?

