Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Acquiring Customers - The Pizza Philosophy

Hello Folks,

I must first apologize for not blogging as of late.
The was a move, some business travel and as of late, working with the team to continue the momentum we built in July & August.

The reason I began blogging in the first place was to simply record my experiences in this business, so that others could see what I've had to deal with - to recognize that they're not alone, and pass along some of the things that have helped me think and act better in this business - and in life.

Today's blog is written, as I have yet to get the video room finished at the house - stay tuned for that.

Today, you will find an excerpt from a fantastic gentleman I've been following for a while now. He's a "sales" teacher and motivator if you will, with an incredible track record.

Now, while we do not really "sell" in our business - instead we refer same products and service but for a wholesale price, what he has to say resonated with me and I thought I'd pass it on...

He calls it The Pizza Philosophy...

When I say “pizza” what words come to mind? What images come to mind? What tastes come to mind? What restaurants come to mind? What delivery service comes to mind? What toppings come to mind?

Pretty interesting questions. And you have immediate answers.

In fact, this might be making you hungry and you may be actually reaching for the phone right now.

Pizza is universally loved UNLESS you get a pizza and you don’t like the toppings or, worse, it has an anchovy on it!

Pizza offers choices that match your craving or desire. AKA: Pizza offers exactly what you hunger for. You get to CHOOSE how you want your pizza to be prepared. Everyone does. Can you imagine it any other way? If you call a pizza place and they say, “We ONLY have sausage,” you will hang up and call someone else.

Not only do pizza places give you exactly what you want, they’ll even deliver it to your door in less than an hour.

COOL NOTE: When you order a pizza from Domino’s Pizza online, you can actually track it being made and being put into the oven. And you’ll know when the delivery person is on his or her way to your door. It’s worth the price of the pizza just to see the technology.

How is the pizza philosophy working in your business?

Are your products and people ready to serve exactly what your customer wants?
Do you give the customer the toppings they want?
What kind of pizza do you sell?
How e-commerce friendly are you?
How easy is it to do business with you?
Are customers raving about the quality of your pizza?
And most importantly, do you offer your toppings a la carte, or are like Bell & Rogers, where u can only get a feature in a bundle at……x dollars per month?

THINK ABOUT THIS: Would you rather place a special order at Harvey’s or McDonald’s?
Harvey’s made a living off of McDonald’s customers with the slogan, “Have it your way!” Thirty years later, McDonalds still doesn’t get it – but all of their competitors do.

IN TODAY’S SOCIETY CUSTOMERS SCREAM: Give me what I want, When I want - I want it MY WAY!

Back to our business. Do you give your customers what THEY want? Do you even know what THEY want?

If ALL businesses gave customers what they really want, there would be more market demand for their product or services, and they wouldn’t be switching customers every couple of months.

For example: Why aren’t all banks open Saturday’s AND Sunday? Why don’t customer service centers move back to North America? Why doesn’t every customer service center answer their phone with a live human being saying “hello, how can I help you?" Instead of hearing Emily the computer at Bell, & her sister Melanie at Rogers, and then being forwarded on to some other country to speak to their call centre.

While some people know the answers to all of these questions, it’s more important to note that right now you’re listening & nodding your head in approval.

What is it that your customers really want? Need? Are hoping for? And how are you delivering those needs, wants, and hopes?

I wonder if you’ve EVER had a meeting that included the customer, where YOU asked THEM “what’s missing?” or “what ingredients” THEY want. It’s important to “understand” what it is they don’t like or want with their current provider.

In our business, we are very, very lucky. We offer every service in every home & business – everything except water and air - but at wholesale prices.

It ultimately comes down to sitting with the customer, showing them who our Blue Chip, multi-million, billion dollar partners are – the same companies they have heard of and/or been using for years !!! Show them the wholesale savings. Explain how we get to sell it at wholesale etc.

Then…we must ask with the customer what it is that we could do to make their services better…

Is it price – for most it is.
Is it convenience?
Is it better value for the price?
What is it?

This is NOT about “just” asking someone to switch their provider “for you” - while we do rely on our relationships.

This is about explaining how we offer exactly what they are already using, but at better pricing and/or value options for them.

Who wouldn’t want to support you when you explain it THAT way?

Are you asking your customer’s what they want?

Here's a promise to get the home office and video station set up as soon as possible so as to get back on track with video instead of written...cool?



  1. Pizza! that's a great analogy Bill. Ultimately, we are here to help "personalize their pizza" the way they want it. Great blog, enjoyed reading it and I look forward to reading/seeing your future blogs..


  2. Well done…

    Kostantino D. Beltsis

  3. Thanks Christine...I think if we really think about it, we can compare a great pizza to just about anything in life, ha!

    Hey Dino, thanks for the support...

