Hello Blog Followers...
As always, I spend any spare time I have searching various personal development sites, my mentor's blogs etc., to improve my personal and professional life, and pass it along to you for you to do with it what you will...
This post is a little different...
Recently, I received an email from a friend/partner who forwarded along a blog post from someone else that had a very interesting message. While I totally agreed with the message, it was filled with some profanity that some of you (not me) - some of you might be offended by.
So, what to do? Re-write it, modify it from a language stand-point, and maybe even add in a few bits of my own opinion/experience.
Damn, in University, they call that plagiarism, no?
Ok, so you want to be successful? You think you’re trying your hardest. Dammit you are pretty sure you’re gunning for it, really hard!
But here is the truth: You’re not.
In every industry, there is an edge. In your business or personal life, it doesn’t matter– somewhere, there is a cliff. Most people don’t want to get to close to it, because they’re afraid they’ll fall off.
Thing is, the edge is where all the cool stuff happens. I know you don’t want to make a decision that is irrevocable and wrong– a decision from which you might never recover– that’s natural. But guess what?
You are actually in the middle of an open field, inside your house, clutching your purse, crying like a baby while looking at an edge you see on television.
In other words? You are nowhere near the edge.
Maybe it’s just time you stopped implying you want to be successful.
You want a better blog, a more profitable business, a happier marriage, or a better life? You want to meet a girl, a guy, or travel to Asia, or lose weight, or something else? Great! So does everyone.
Just to be clear: for other people, it is entirely clear that you haven’t fully committed. If you had, you would be closer. Why?
You would do the exercises.
You’d put in the hours.
You’d take people’s advice (especially if it made you uncomfortable!).
You’d learn to talk to people.
You would find a system.
None of these things require money! All they require is work and understanding yourself. It’s not that hard!
Look, your lack of progress pretty much stems from things you’re avoiding because a) you are unsure of how they’re done, or b) you’re unconsciously (or consciously!) unwilling to do them. In other words, you are a faking it.
You are either paralyzed by the fact that you don’t know how to achieve your goal (hint: ask someone who has already achieved it), or you’re afraid of doing it (hint: you clearly don’t want it bad enough). It’s actually that easy.
Have you ever heard the saying I use...
"I am sick and tired of being sick and tired"
I truly believe that it is not until you're at that point, where you can truly hit the right stride and do whatever it takes to win.
I think it’s time you looked at your delaying tactics in the face. Or better yet, look yourself in the mirror and simply ask - Am I doing everything I need to do to achieve what I want to achieve?
I always ask myself, would "my mentor" do this? If the answer is no, then I won't. If the answer is yes, then I ask myself why I haven't already done it already...
What, exactly, are you afraid of?
Is it getting ridiculed or judged?
Will people around you stop loving you?
Are you afraid of looking stupid, or failing?
Are you afraid of asking for help?
The bottom line is this...
Look people, use your common sense. Millions of us all over the world are having the same problems as you. All of us have the same blocks– you, me, everyone. Those of us that get through our anxieties and just do the things we need to do, are the ones will make it. The others won’t. It's as simple as just getting out of our comfort zone.
You might be saying, “No Bill, I’m just procrastinating. It’s in my nature. I’m just bad at being organized.” I call that BS.
Examine your intentions. There is really something holding you back – I guarantee it. Unless what you really want to do is sit around watching TV all day, there is something else there.
Look, the weekend is coming up. I’m going to give you a chance to get back on track.
All you have to do is invite someone to see you and your business, this weekend – That's not difficult, right? And if you feel anxious about it, do the following:
Ask yourself out loud:
What am I afraid of?
I guarantee that when you do this, when you say it out loud and listen to the answer, your answer will sound stupid. Because most of our issues are pretty stupid.
Then, after you do that, you will get down to business. You will do what you have to do, because it will be clear what you’re avoiding. And after a weekend of that, you will come back here and you will tell me what happened, ok? I’m counting on you.
Look, some of you are probably offended by this post. That’s fine. For those of you in that camp, you’re probably (secretly) looking in the mirror right now saying Bill is right.
For the rest of you, get back to doing the right things to become successful.
If you want to find out more about how to actually do what you have to do and own it, then comment below. Good stuff will happen.
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