Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Facts: To Learn

Would you agree that in order to grow in life, one must listen and learn from people like our parents, our elders, our teachers etc?


Would you agree that in order to grow in business (whether it's working for someone else or being self-employed), that one must "also" listen and learn from people like a boss, a mentor or a person who has achieved the level of success you seek?


Would you agree that in order to learn "anything" in life, one needs to be trained, taught and mentored?


So, why is it that so many people in life and business, find it so difficult to put all of their personal issues aside and remain uncoachable?

Let me ask you this...

If you had a goal - any goal - personal and/or professional, and someone said to you..."I can help you achieve that goal, by simply putting you in front of not 1, not 2, but 10 or so experts in the "field" of "your" personal goal...Would you show up and listen to them? Learn from them?"

Ladies & Gentlemen, I think you will agree that the above is common sense, right?

But I still ask, why does ignorance sometime over-power common sense in life?

What, are we supposed to get to some point in our life and all-of-a-sudden "know" everything? If that we the case, everyone would have already achieved everything they ever sought.

Of course that's crazy...

Ladies & Gentlemen, anything in life can truly be accomplished "if" you surround yourselves with the "right", "like-minded" individuals who have done the things you want to achieve - So why not check the ego at the door and "show up", "shut up" & "listen up" !!!

I am now off to do just that...


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