Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
It is important that I clarify the following...
There are a lot of people online posting that Sir Richard has personally partnered up with me in business. This is in fact "not" true...I/we are only in a position of reselling/disbruting some of his Virgin services in the European marketplace
Please remove any and all posts pertaining to this...
- b2
life...without boundaries - daily articles to help you create a powerful personal brand, build your own business & generate a massive royalty income...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Master The Bounce (part two)
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Sorry about this, but today is an insanely busy day. Already running behind...
So, today's post is a "re-post" from last year simply because I personally experienced "a bad day, yesterday"

Before reading the rest, I suggest you read "Mastering The Bounce."
You see, yesterday wasn't the most productive day - Actually to be honest, it was a costly vs productive day...
- Drove downtown @ 730am for a cancelled appointment...
- Drove back to the east end (Pickering)...
- Took Madison to the doctor's just to get the run-around...
- Drove to Burlington in a snow-storm for a 6pm no-show
- Drove to Mississauga in the same storm for an 8:30pm no-show
- Drove back to Pickering @ 9:15pm thoroughly frustrated...
- Got home at 11pm - Did I say massive snow storm ???
- Went to bed at midnight...
- Woke up at 2am
- Awake till 430am
- Quoted KT for the entire 2.5 hour period...Priceless !!!
- Today is a new day !!!
Late last night (this morning) reminded me of how (last year) I needed to learn how to bounce back from a bad day, bad experience etc. That's when I decided to go out and search for an article or two on how to bounce back from certain situations.
That lead me to posting "Mastering The Bounce". Now, while recognizing the situation and mastering the bounce used to help me initially, I must say that KT has been the Master of the Bounce as of late...Getting me back on track faster than ever before...
When was the last time you needed to bounce back from something and what helped you ???
- b2
Sorry about this, but today is an insanely busy day. Already running behind...
So, today's post is a "re-post" from last year simply because I personally experienced "a bad day, yesterday"

Before reading the rest, I suggest you read "Mastering The Bounce."
You see, yesterday wasn't the most productive day - Actually to be honest, it was a costly vs productive day...
- Drove downtown @ 730am for a cancelled appointment...
- Drove back to the east end (Pickering)...
- Took Madison to the doctor's just to get the run-around...
- Drove to Burlington in a snow-storm for a 6pm no-show
- Drove to Mississauga in the same storm for an 8:30pm no-show
- Drove back to Pickering @ 9:15pm thoroughly frustrated...
- Got home at 11pm - Did I say massive snow storm ???
- Went to bed at midnight...
- Woke up at 2am
- Awake till 430am
- Quoted KT for the entire 2.5 hour period...Priceless !!!
- Today is a new day !!!
Late last night (this morning) reminded me of how (last year) I needed to learn how to bounce back from a bad day, bad experience etc. That's when I decided to go out and search for an article or two on how to bounce back from certain situations.
That lead me to posting "Mastering The Bounce". Now, while recognizing the situation and mastering the bounce used to help me initially, I must say that KT has been the Master of the Bounce as of late...Getting me back on track faster than ever before...
When was the last time you needed to bounce back from something and what helped you ???
- b2
Monday, January 30, 2012
Momentum Group Global Events: Monday +

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:30pm
MIDLAND, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorn
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
33 Wigston Place, THORNHILL, ON (Bathurst & 407 area)
w/Debra Wilson
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
Park Inn, Woodbine Conference Centre - 30 Vice Regent Bvd., ETOBICOKE, ON
w/SVP/COC/PC Franco LoFranco
Wednesday @ 8:30pm
36 Ardglen Drive, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Bill Banham
Thursday @ 7pm
Downtown Location TBA
Thursday @ 7pm
770 Balaton Avenue, Pickering, ON
w/Bill Banham
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/David Holland
Friday TBA
Saturday @ 10:00am
190 Railside Road, Scarborough, ON
w/Local Leadership
Saturday @ 3:00pm
770 Balaton Avenue, Pickering, ON
w/Bill Banham
More to be added every day...
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above to b2@momentumgroupglobal.info
- b2
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Late last year I wrote a post on The Fundamentals, and the importance of mastering them.
Since then, I have made a concerted effort to focus on those fundamentals, but have found that "making the time" for each of them on a daily basis, can be difficult.
What to do ???
Well, I've made the decision to calendarize specific appointments throughout the day on a recurring basis.
What does that mean you ask ???
Well, at 10am (on a daily basis), my calendar goes off saying, "Call Someone". The goal for that appointment is for me to call as many people as it takes to get a hold of someone, to book a coffee with them so that we can get together, catch up and I can show them what I am up to...
At 2pm every day, my calendar goes off saying, "Follow Up". The goal for this appointment is for me to simply follow up with someone that I have met and shared my business with, to see how we can work together and/or support each other...
By doing this, I treat these as actual appointments vs things I have to do, or dread doing.
By nature, we as human beings keep our appointments, and procrastinate on the "things we have to do."
What are you doing to focus on the fundamentals on "your" business...
- b2
Late last year I wrote a post on The Fundamentals, and the importance of mastering them.
Since then, I have made a concerted effort to focus on those fundamentals, but have found that "making the time" for each of them on a daily basis, can be difficult.
What to do ???
Well, I've made the decision to calendarize specific appointments throughout the day on a recurring basis.

Well, at 10am (on a daily basis), my calendar goes off saying, "Call Someone". The goal for that appointment is for me to call as many people as it takes to get a hold of someone, to book a coffee with them so that we can get together, catch up and I can show them what I am up to...
At 2pm every day, my calendar goes off saying, "Follow Up". The goal for this appointment is for me to simply follow up with someone that I have met and shared my business with, to see how we can work together and/or support each other...
By doing this, I treat these as actual appointments vs things I have to do, or dread doing.
By nature, we as human beings keep our appointments, and procrastinate on the "things we have to do."
What are you doing to focus on the fundamentals on "your" business...
- b2
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Momentum Group Global Events: Sunday +

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Sunday @ 2:00pm
Renaissance Events Centre 2289 Barton St. E., HAMILTON
w/Sal Adamo, Tony & Marco Baggetta
Sunday @ 2:00pm
INNISFIL, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Sunday @ 4:00pm
691 Welcome Court, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva
Sunday @ 7:00PM - Strive For Five Power Hour
770 Balaton Avenue, PICKERING, ON
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 7:30pm
BARRIE, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Sunday @ 8:00pm (20 minutes)
CONFERENCE CALL (1-661-673-8659 enter code 618326#)
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 9:00pm (60 minutes)
CONFERENCE CALL (1-661-673-8650 enter code 728081#)
w/RVP/PC Rob Richards & SVP/COC/PC Mathieu LaMontagne
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:30pm
MIDLAND, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorn
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorn
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/David Holland
More to be added every day...
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above to b2@momentumgroupglobal.info
- b2
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Momentum Group Global: Events

Momentum Group Global VIP Event
Royalty DeRegulation $$$ Info Session
190 Railside Road,
Toronto, Ontario
"What is it" Session Starts @ 10am SHARP (please arrive early)
"How To Capitalize" Session Starts @ 11am - 1pm
See you there...
Friday, January 27, 2012
Momentum Group Global: Events

Info Session
What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited. To Reserve Please Call Bill Banham (647) 248 6303
Friday @ 7:00pm
205 Victoria St. South Bld. Apt 317, KITCHENER
w/Betty-Anne Ellis 647-637-0653
Friday @ 7:30pm
34 Senator Blvd., SCARBOROUGH
w/Trevor D'Silva
Friday @ 8:00pm
66 Denvale Rd, TORONTO
w/Franco LoFranco
Friday @ 7:30pm
141 Toryork Dr. ETOBICOKE
w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
Saturday @ 10:00am
TICC 191 Railside Rd., SCARBOROUGH
w/Franco LoFranco
Saturday @ 10:00am
Crowne Plaza Hotel - 7800 Universal Blvd., ORLANDO, FLA., USA 32819
w/Mathieu LaMontagne
Sunday @ 2:00pm
Renaissance Events Centre 2289 Barton St. E., HAMILTON
w/Sal Adamo, Tony & Marco Baggetta
Sunday @ 2pm
INNISFIL, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Sunday @ 4:00pm
BARRIE, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Sunday @ 4:00pm
691 Welcome Court, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva
Sunday @ 7:00PM - Strive For Five Power Hour
770 Balaton Avenue, PICKERING, ON
w/Bill Banham
Sunday @ 7:00pm
BARRIE, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Monday @ 7:00pm
MIDLAND, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Michelle Thorne
Monday @ 7:30pm
COLLINGWOOD, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Monday @ 8:30pm
4251 Alta Place, MISSISSAUGA, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham

Monday: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, SCARBOROUGH
Lawrence Avenue: One light East of the DVP
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
Tuesday @ 6:00pm
The Bocco Cafe - 3245 Harvester Rd., BURLINGTON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Tuesday @ 7:30pm
NIAGARA, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/David Holland
Tuesday @ 8:30pm
8 Fandor Way, BRAMPTON, ON
w/Trevor D'Silva & Bill Banham
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
w/David Holland (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
Wednesday @ 7:30pm
ORILLIA, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Chenoa & Tom
Wednesday @ 7:00pm
PICKERING, ON (text Michelle Thorne 705-333-0803 for address)
w/Sherri Spikes & Michelle Thorne
Thursday @ 7:00pm
300 Mapleview Drive West, BARRIE, ON
w/Steve Walmsley
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me your listings, using the same formatting as I've used above:
- b2
cross it off...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A couple of friendly quotes to help you get out and get whatever it is you want to get done, get done !!!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981)
"The whoel problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts..."
Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
This morning I took it upon myself to make a bucket load of calls - Something that I had been putting off, for like, EVER...
Crossed it off the list...
What things haven't you crossed off, that if you took just a few minutes right now, you could get it done ???
- b2
A couple of friendly quotes to help you get out and get whatever it is you want to get done, get done !!!
"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
Howard Thurman (1899 – 1981)
"The whoel problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts..."
Bertrand Russell (1872 – 1970)
This morning I took it upon myself to make a bucket load of calls - Something that I had been putting off, for like, EVER...
Crossed it off the list...
What things haven't you crossed off, that if you took just a few minutes right now, you could get it done ???
- b2
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events Tonight

What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
TONIGHT: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
TONIGHT: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @8pm - 66 Denvale Rd, Toronto w/Franco LoFranco
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
SAT: 10am - 191 Railside Rd., Scarborough w/ Franco LoFranco

MON: 730PM English | 900pm Korean:
TICC - 190 Railside Road, Scarborough (Lawrence and DVP)
w/Special Guest: SVP and COC Danny Bae
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
2012 - Larry Raskin
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
A short, inspirational note from Mr. Raskin...
A very special hello to all my family and friends as we begin 2012. As this year ushered in, I knew this would be "THE YEAR." A year of getting goals not just setting goals. Whatever it is you are pursuing now, know this...not everyone is going to agree w/you. Not everyone will want you to win. And, expect the darker forces of this world to attack you. But know that God doesn't manufacture junk and you were put here to do something special. Success is your birthright. You need to believe that. Your purpose is about ready to be revealed. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Now, let go out and make it happen my friends...
- b2
A short, inspirational note from Mr. Raskin...

A very special hello to all my family and friends as we begin 2012. As this year ushered in, I knew this would be "THE YEAR." A year of getting goals not just setting goals. Whatever it is you are pursuing now, know this...not everyone is going to agree w/you. Not everyone will want you to win. And, expect the darker forces of this world to attack you. But know that God doesn't manufacture junk and you were put here to do something special. Success is your birthright. You need to believe that. Your purpose is about ready to be revealed. Jeremiah 33:3 "Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Now, let go out and make it happen my friends...
- b2
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events

What Is It...
How Can You Capitalize...
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
TONIGHT: @730pm - 30 Vice Regent Blvd, Etobicoke w/Lara Combs
TONIGHT: @730pm - 5230 Creditview Rd Mississauga w/Trevor D'Silva
TONIGHT @730PM - 4916 Cameron Ave, Beamsville w/Tony Baggetta
TONIGHT @730pm - 231 Hawkswood Trail, Ancaster w/Marco Baggetta
TONIGHT: @830pm - 36 Ardglen Dr. Brampton w/Vince Prochilo
THU: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
THU: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @8pm - 66 Denvale Rd, Toronto w/Franco LoFranco
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham & Vince Prochilo
Saturday 10am - 191 Railside Rd., Scarborough w/ Franco LoFranco
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
2 Questions...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
I have 2 simple questions for you:
“What is your definition of success?"
"Do you know what success is and what it isn’t?”
If you hesitated, struggled, or tried to answer either question with one sentence, or attempted to define success with one idea, then you need to re-think your plans to attain success. After all, how can you achieve something you can’t even describe?
“True success, has more components than one sentence or idea can contain.”
- Zig Ziglar
Knowing what you want, being able to clearly relate it to an outsider — that is the first step which many jump over, only to misstep later on in the race of life.
If understanding success is the easily forgotten step, then understanding your goals is the next underrated course of action. Ziglar gives a compelling illustration of the power of understanding one’s purpose
“Three men were busy at the same task, and a passerby stopped and asked each of the men what they were doing. The first man said, “I am cutting stone.” The second man said, “I am earning my living.” The third man said, “I am building a cathedral.” All three of the men were involved in cutting stone. The first man saw no purpose or value in what he was doing, and my guess is that his days were long and tedious. He probably went home tired and exhausted every night and dreaded going to work each day.
The second man had a different perspective. He saw cutting the stones as a means to earn a living and probably had a better attitude than the first man. However, the value and :
purpose he saw in his effort was merely about getting his paycheck. I imagine this man spent a lot of time thinking about other jobs he might be able to get and probably found his work boring and repetitive.
The third man knew he was cutting stone, and he knew he was earning a paycheck, but he also saw value and purpose in his work that transcended those basic realities. The third man was building a cathedral that would be used by people. The cathedral would be a spiritual and social center where men and women could come to worship and fellowship together. That church, when completed, would give people hope and help them live better lives. What do you think the third man’s attitude was about his work? My guess is that he couldn’t wait to get to work every day. I imagine he arrived early and stayed late. He probably talked about his work all the time and was grateful to be doing something that was so much fun! I’m sure he could visualize that finished church in his mind and couldn’t wait to go there.”
Which one are you ???
_ b2
I have 2 simple questions for you:
“What is your definition of success?"
"Do you know what success is and what it isn’t?”
If you hesitated, struggled, or tried to answer either question with one sentence, or attempted to define success with one idea, then you need to re-think your plans to attain success. After all, how can you achieve something you can’t even describe?
“True success, has more components than one sentence or idea can contain.”
- Zig Ziglar
Knowing what you want, being able to clearly relate it to an outsider — that is the first step which many jump over, only to misstep later on in the race of life.
If understanding success is the easily forgotten step, then understanding your goals is the next underrated course of action. Ziglar gives a compelling illustration of the power of understanding one’s purpose
“Three men were busy at the same task, and a passerby stopped and asked each of the men what they were doing. The first man said, “I am cutting stone.” The second man said, “I am earning my living.” The third man said, “I am building a cathedral.” All three of the men were involved in cutting stone. The first man saw no purpose or value in what he was doing, and my guess is that his days were long and tedious. He probably went home tired and exhausted every night and dreaded going to work each day.
The second man had a different perspective. He saw cutting the stones as a means to earn a living and probably had a better attitude than the first man. However, the value and :

purpose he saw in his effort was merely about getting his paycheck. I imagine this man spent a lot of time thinking about other jobs he might be able to get and probably found his work boring and repetitive.
The third man knew he was cutting stone, and he knew he was earning a paycheck, but he also saw value and purpose in his work that transcended those basic realities. The third man was building a cathedral that would be used by people. The cathedral would be a spiritual and social center where men and women could come to worship and fellowship together. That church, when completed, would give people hope and help them live better lives. What do you think the third man’s attitude was about his work? My guess is that he couldn’t wait to get to work every day. I imagine he arrived early and stayed late. He probably talked about his work all the time and was grateful to be doing something that was so much fun! I’m sure he could visualize that finished church in his mind and couldn’t wait to go there.”
Which one are you ???
_ b2
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Who's Your Mentor
Finish This:
If I could pick the brain of any one person for one hour, it would be _______________ because _______________.
If I could pick the brain of any one person for one hour, it would be _______________ because _______________.
Momentum Group Global: VIP Events

What Is It & How Can You Capitalize On It ???
Click on your preferred venue for the map...
TONIGHT @700pm - 1220 Newell St, Milton w/Roy Kim
TONIGHT @730pm - 8 Fandor Way, Brampton w/ Trevor D’Silva
TONIGHT @730pm - 23 Chickadee Cres Brampton w/Marco Baggetta
TONIGHT @730pm - 1168 Kingdale, Newmarket w/Tony Baggetta
WED: @730pm - 30 Vice Regent Blvd, Etobicoke w/Camilla LoFranco
WED: @730pm - 5230 Creditview Rd Mississauga w/Trevor D'Silva
WED: @830pm - 36 Ardglen Dr. Brampton w/Vince Prochilo
THU: @700pm - 57 Badgerow Ave 2nd Flr, Toronto w/Bill Banham
THU: @730pm - 24 Warbeck Place, Etobicoke w/Tony Baggetta
FRI: @730pm - 141 Toryork Dr. Etobicoke w/Bill Banham
Seats Are Limited...
To Reserve Please Call Me (647) 248 6303
If you would like your info sessions posted here for all to view, please email me:
- b2
Monday, January 23, 2012
No, Can be a great time saver
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
"The word ‘no’ is a great time-saver. Say no to anything that is not the highest and best use of your time." -Brian Tracy
"Your time is valuable, treat it as such!" -Darren Hardy
For me, I follow the above two quotes to a "T", more than ever before, but I have also figured out how to use the word "No", to actually get a client to make a decision...
Think about this...
Whether you are in Sales, Business Development, or any profession in which you rely on people to make decision. A Yes or a No decision...
Well, if in your daily duties & responsibilities - Your business - Is to get a Yes or a No out of someone, then get it - Even if it is a No.
What do I mean by this?

Well, if a customer, client or prospect says "Yes" - Great. You've got an answer - And probably the answer you were looking and/or hoping for...
If their answer is a "No" - Great. You've got an answer - Maybe not the answer you were looking or hoping for, but at least you got an answer...
And then there are those customers, clients and/or prospects who don't give you and "yes" or a "no"...
I've decided to make a decision on their behalf...
The answer is NO !!!
When speaking with them, I ask them straight up...Are you in or out? Yes, or No?
No answer still?
I reply with, "Do you know that the average person that cannot say yes or no, typically has a question in their head that has yet to be answered. Do you have a question?"
Still no answer?
I then reply with, "Ok, I'll take that your answer or decision is a No".
Sometimes I've seen a confused look on their face. A look that speaks volumes. A look that usually brings forth a question like, "Why would you say my answer is a no?
My reply, is simple...
"I am not here to convince you. I am simply looking for a "yes" or a "no". If you can't make a simple yes or no decision, nor have any questions remaining that need to be answered, so that you can actually give a yes or a no answer, then I am arbitrarily going to answer for you - And that answer will be a No."
I do not want to Work with, Associate with, Partner with, Spend time with, or Waste time with people who "can't" or "choose not to" make a decision in life, when a question or opportunity has been presented, that requires an answer.
It's funny to see and that precise moment, how many people will actually make a decision. They'll either agree with you there on the spot and say, "no", or they will say hold on, I am actually interested. Or, they will say, "well, there is one more question I have..."
Then I smile and continue on.
Either way, whatever the decision or answer is - Yes or No...At least I got an answer, right??? - b2

"The word ‘no’ is a great time-saver. Say no to anything that is not the highest and best use of your time." -Brian Tracy
"Your time is valuable, treat it as such!" -Darren Hardy
For me, I follow the above two quotes to a "T", more than ever before, but I have also figured out how to use the word "No", to actually get a client to make a decision...
Think about this...

Well, if in your daily duties & responsibilities - Your business - Is to get a Yes or a No out of someone, then get it - Even if it is a No.
What do I mean by this?

Well, if a customer, client or prospect says "Yes" - Great. You've got an answer - And probably the answer you were looking and/or hoping for...
If their answer is a "No" - Great. You've got an answer - Maybe not the answer you were looking or hoping for, but at least you got an answer...
And then there are those customers, clients and/or prospects who don't give you and "yes" or a "no"...
I've decided to make a decision on their behalf...
The answer is NO !!!
When speaking with them, I ask them straight up...Are you in or out? Yes, or No?
No answer still?
I reply with, "Do you know that the average person that cannot say yes or no, typically has a question in their head that has yet to be answered. Do you have a question?"
Still no answer?
I then reply with, "Ok, I'll take that your answer or decision is a No".
Sometimes I've seen a confused look on their face. A look that speaks volumes. A look that usually brings forth a question like, "Why would you say my answer is a no?
My reply, is simple...
"I am not here to convince you. I am simply looking for a "yes" or a "no". If you can't make a simple yes or no decision, nor have any questions remaining that need to be answered, so that you can actually give a yes or a no answer, then I am arbitrarily going to answer for you - And that answer will be a No."
I do not want to Work with, Associate with, Partner with, Spend time with, or Waste time with people who "can't" or "choose not to" make a decision in life, when a question or opportunity has been presented, that requires an answer.
It's funny to see and that precise moment, how many people will actually make a decision. They'll either agree with you there on the spot and say, "no", or they will say hold on, I am actually interested. Or, they will say, "well, there is one more question I have..."
Then I smile and continue on.
Either way, whatever the decision or answer is - Yes or No...At least I got an answer, right??? - b2

Sunday, January 22, 2012
Momentum Group Global VIP Event

Momentum Group Global VIP Event $$$ Royalty DeRegulation Info Session
Renaissance Catering & Special Events Centre
2289 Barton Street East
Hamilton, Ontario
L8E 2W8
Phone: (905) 560-2500

"What is it" Session
Starts @ 2PM Sharp
please arrive early
"How To Capitalize" Session
Starts @ 3PM
Tickets Are Limited...
To Reserve Yours Please Call Me (647) 248 6303 Before 1PM
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Game Time - 10am
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Facebook + Your Business
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Over the last while I have really been thinking about Facebook and My Business.
I see my 1000+ "Friends" using their FB page in varying degrees.
Some, use it for their Photo Albums. Some for their Social Status. Some even post every single minute of every single day.
My question was simply, can and does Facebook help ones business, really?
Well, of course you could automatically say yes, simply because FB is the largest marketing tool on the planet.
You could also say that too many people see it as a "social thing" instead of a "business thing"
Well, whenever I have questions about business, I simply go the the people who "are" having success in their business. In this case, I looked for successful people in business that "are using" Facebook. I put together a laundry list of questions and politely ask those questions to those people.
Seems simple, yes?
Well, it is, "if", you take their advice and put action into place...
So, recently I had the priviledge to be trained by an incredibly young (26), talented & successful gentleman - Mr. Max Knowles.
Max is an entrepreneur. Max is young. Max is determined. Max has "done" it. Max is a Multi-Millionaire, business trainer to ahh, the max !!!
So I reached out to him re Facebook, and his reply was, Bill, I've created a video on that,
and KABOOM! I have the answers I needed.
Now, comes the "putting into action" part...
You'll see a difference before the end of the weekend...
But first, I'd like you to check out the video that inspired me to take action on my Social Media Sites, to allow for a better connection between my the FB world and me/my business...Click on the link below...
Max Knowles
- b2

I see my 1000+ "Friends" using their FB page in varying degrees.
Some, use it for their Photo Albums. Some for their Social Status. Some even post every single minute of every single day.
My question was simply, can and does Facebook help ones business, really?
Well, of course you could automatically say yes, simply because FB is the largest marketing tool on the planet.
You could also say that too many people see it as a "social thing" instead of a "business thing"
Well, whenever I have questions about business, I simply go the the people who "are" having success in their business. In this case, I looked for successful people in business that "are using" Facebook. I put together a laundry list of questions and politely ask those questions to those people.
Seems simple, yes?
Well, it is, "if", you take their advice and put action into place...
So, recently I had the priviledge to be trained by an incredibly young (26), talented & successful gentleman - Mr. Max Knowles.
Max is an entrepreneur. Max is young. Max is determined. Max has "done" it. Max is a Multi-Millionaire, business trainer to ahh, the max !!!
So I reached out to him re Facebook, and his reply was, Bill, I've created a video on that,

Now, comes the "putting into action" part...
You'll see a difference before the end of the weekend...
But first, I'd like you to check out the video that inspired me to take action on my Social Media Sites, to allow for a better connection between my the FB world and me/my business...Click on the link below...
Max Knowles
- b2
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
A Little Secret (part two)
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
So, here's hoping that yesterday's little secret (part one) helped you understand a very important element in your business...
Today, I am going to share another part, and that's Posture.
What is "Posture", and how do you get it...
Very simply, I like to say Posture is Confidence on steroids - Confidence "without" arrogance.
Posture is in fact within everyone.
It is not something you learn.
It is something you "believe" in.
It is something that you become, simply because you have 110% belief in it.
Think about how some people speak about their family, their close friends, their religion, and the people they love. There's no denying that they have 110% belief in those things - Their Posture states it.
Well, this is also needed in your business. Your friends and family are watching you to "see" if you speak with that same Posture. Trust me, when you open your mouth about your business, they can tell if you have Posture or not. They might not even truly know what the word means, but they inherently know what it is...
Need some examples?
Mr. Larry Raskin
Debbie Davis
Two simple videos exuding "massive" Posture.
If you're simply not at the belief level of these two, continue to plug into the system and you will get there...
Or, while you're plugging in and gaining that belief, do what Debbie says, "Fake it till you make it".
So, here's hoping that yesterday's little secret (part one) helped you understand a very important element in your business...
Today, I am going to share another part, and that's Posture.
What is "Posture", and how do you get it...
Very simply, I like to say Posture is Confidence on steroids - Confidence "without" arrogance.
Posture is in fact within everyone.
It is not something you learn.
It is something you "believe" in.
It is something that you become, simply because you have 110% belief in it.
Think about how some people speak about their family, their close friends, their religion, and the people they love. There's no denying that they have 110% belief in those things - Their Posture states it.
Well, this is also needed in your business. Your friends and family are watching you to "see" if you speak with that same Posture. Trust me, when you open your mouth about your business, they can tell if you have Posture or not. They might not even truly know what the word means, but they inherently know what it is...
Need some examples?
Mr. Larry Raskin
Debbie Davis
Two simple videos exuding "massive" Posture.
If you're simply not at the belief level of these two, continue to plug into the system and you will get there...
Or, while you're plugging in and gaining that belief, do what Debbie says, "Fake it till you make it".
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
A Little Secret (part one)
Hello My Friendly Blog Followers...
What are the secrets that the most successful use to move people to take more action?
How come some people can create Millions in Sales and Volume, where others struggle and pull their hair out at night just trying to figure out how to get their first cheque?
Earlier today, I was on the phone with one of my crazy Millionaire Genius Friends (Ha!) who I'll allow to remain nameless for now...
He revealed to me the Ultimate Secret(s) to Building Your Business (which I will share with you here)
- What would make all the rejection worth it?
- What in your life would make all the failure worth it?
- What "End Goal" in your life would make any so called risk, seem like small beans?
You're starting to feel one of the secret's already working and you don't even know it.
While I am grateful with where my business is today, I still look to my Mentors to push my success further, and they've helped me unlock an Industry Secret (or secret's) that allows us to finally prosper...
You're probably thinking, why would Bill share this secret...?
Why wouldn't he keep it to himself and build his own business instead of sharing...?
Answer: Because that's what we do...We share information to help others prosper too...
What secret weapon did we just evoke within YOU only moments ago?
I think you've guessed it, we knew you were intelligent.
Answer: E.M.O.T.I.O.N.
That's right. E.M.O.T.I.O.N.
1.A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
2.Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc.
Think about it for a second.
What is it that drives you to eat the oatmeal over the donuts?
What is it that makes you hit the gym vs watching TV?
What is it that drives you to ask that wonderful person in your life to marry you?
Answer: E.M.O.T.I.O.N.
Every single day we make so many of our decisions on Emotion, whether it is as simple as something we eat or as major as choosing the partner we'll spend our life with.
When you truly appreciate, understand, and implement Emotion into your Business, you will see the kind of results that some people only dream of.
You know what I mean. Be Passionate. Exude that posture, passion, energy & EMOTION.
Imagine, adding this simple, little secret to your day-to-day routine, and then stepping out of that brand new car, to be to be swarmed by friends and family at the next event - Everyone envious of the Freedom you were willing to go out there and create. Sounds easy doesn't it. Unfortunately, it's also as easy to not do it too...
You now understand how people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King moved the masses so extremely.
You now realize how Apple took a CULTURE and turned it into a Billion Dollar Computer company.
They all used E.M.O.T.I.O.N...
Need an E.M.O.T.I.O.N check, click on this video...
If that video doesn't kick you in the onions to put M.A.S.S.I.V.E - E.M.O.T.I.O.N. in your life, and get you out doing what you're supposed to do, then you have bigger issues to deal with...
If you thought today brought E.M.O.T.I.O.N into your life, then tomorrow's post is the one you've been waiting for...
P.O.S.T.U.R.E - What it is & how to get it...
What are the secrets that the most successful use to move people to take more action?
How come some people can create Millions in Sales and Volume, where others struggle and pull their hair out at night just trying to figure out how to get their first cheque?
Earlier today, I was on the phone with one of my crazy Millionaire Genius Friends (Ha!) who I'll allow to remain nameless for now...
He revealed to me the Ultimate Secret(s) to Building Your Business (which I will share with you here)
- What would make all the rejection worth it?
- What in your life would make all the failure worth it?
- What "End Goal" in your life would make any so called risk, seem like small beans?
You're starting to feel one of the secret's already working and you don't even know it.
While I am grateful with where my business is today, I still look to my Mentors to push my success further, and they've helped me unlock an Industry Secret (or secret's) that allows us to finally prosper...
You're probably thinking, why would Bill share this secret...?
Why wouldn't he keep it to himself and build his own business instead of sharing...?
Answer: Because that's what we do...We share information to help others prosper too...
What secret weapon did we just evoke within YOU only moments ago?
I think you've guessed it, we knew you were intelligent.
Answer: E.M.O.T.I.O.N.
That's right. E.M.O.T.I.O.N.

1.A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
2.Any of the particular feelings that characterize such a state of mind, such as joy, anger, love, hate, horror, etc.
Think about it for a second.
What is it that drives you to eat the oatmeal over the donuts?
What is it that makes you hit the gym vs watching TV?
What is it that drives you to ask that wonderful person in your life to marry you?
Answer: E.M.O.T.I.O.N.
Every single day we make so many of our decisions on Emotion, whether it is as simple as something we eat or as major as choosing the partner we'll spend our life with.
When you truly appreciate, understand, and implement Emotion into your Business, you will see the kind of results that some people only dream of.
You know what I mean. Be Passionate. Exude that posture, passion, energy & EMOTION.
Imagine, adding this simple, little secret to your day-to-day routine, and then stepping out of that brand new car, to be to be swarmed by friends and family at the next event - Everyone envious of the Freedom you were willing to go out there and create. Sounds easy doesn't it. Unfortunately, it's also as easy to not do it too...
You now understand how people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King moved the masses so extremely.
You now realize how Apple took a CULTURE and turned it into a Billion Dollar Computer company.
They all used E.M.O.T.I.O.N...
Need an E.M.O.T.I.O.N check, click on this video...
If that video doesn't kick you in the onions to put M.A.S.S.I.V.E - E.M.O.T.I.O.N. in your life, and get you out doing what you're supposed to do, then you have bigger issues to deal with...
If you thought today brought E.M.O.T.I.O.N into your life, then tomorrow's post is the one you've been waiting for...
P.O.S.T.U.R.E - What it is & how to get it...
Monday, January 16, 2012
Race To The Top versus Racing To The Bottom...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Today, another video featuring a good (Music Industry) friend of mine, George Stroumboulopoulos, interviewing Mr. Seth Godin.
The video is entitled, Race To The Top versus Racing To The Bottom.
When the link above is activated, scroll down and look to the left for the video...
I apologize for CBC forcing you to watch the 2 commercials prior to the video starting
Ladies & Gents, Seth details a future that many of us have heard, but few believe. I am a beliver. This Is A Very Powerful Video My Friends
The video gave me even more reasons to believe that the choice I made 2.5 years ago to start my own Global, Royalty-Based, eCommerce Business was the right choice...And now I'm never looking back.
What did this video "say" to you?

The video is entitled, Race To The Top versus Racing To The Bottom.
When the link above is activated, scroll down and look to the left for the video...
I apologize for CBC forcing you to watch the 2 commercials prior to the video starting
Ladies & Gents, Seth details a future that many of us have heard, but few believe. I am a beliver. This Is A Very Powerful Video My Friends
The video gave me even more reasons to believe that the choice I made 2.5 years ago to start my own Global, Royalty-Based, eCommerce Business was the right choice...And now I'm never looking back.
What did this video "say" to you?

Friday, January 13, 2012
Do Superstitions Affect Your Business Decisions?
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Today is Friday, January the 13th
A perfect day to blog about Superstitions. Do they affect you personally and/or professionally?
Less than one-third of employees dress up for Halloween, and only 37 percent of us celebrate the occasion in an office setting, according to a recent Vault survey. Yet, how many of us are brave enough to admit that we occasionally let superstitions and old wives tales influence our daily business decisions? You may not believe this has or ever could happen to you, then again...
Have you ever rescheduled an important meeting because your horoscope advised it was not going to be a good day? How many times have you risked running late to a meeting with a new client because you could not find your lucky tie? Have you avoiding making a big pitch to a client on Friday the 13th? How about turning down a great deal on office space because the number 13 was in the address? On the contrary, maybe you have had to accommodate a superstitious client?
The bottom line is that almost all of us have given in to the occasional old wives tale, but just remember there is more to building your business than luck or superstition.
Has a superstitious belief ever affected your business? I want to know! Feel free to comment in the comments section below...

Today is Friday, January the 13th
A perfect day to blog about Superstitions. Do they affect you personally and/or professionally?
Less than one-third of employees dress up for Halloween, and only 37 percent of us celebrate the occasion in an office setting, according to a recent Vault survey. Yet, how many of us are brave enough to admit that we occasionally let superstitions and old wives tales influence our daily business decisions? You may not believe this has or ever could happen to you, then again...
Have you ever rescheduled an important meeting because your horoscope advised it was not going to be a good day? How many times have you risked running late to a meeting with a new client because you could not find your lucky tie? Have you avoiding making a big pitch to a client on Friday the 13th? How about turning down a great deal on office space because the number 13 was in the address? On the contrary, maybe you have had to accommodate a superstitious client?
The bottom line is that almost all of us have given in to the occasional old wives tale, but just remember there is more to building your business than luck or superstition.
Has a superstitious belief ever affected your business? I want to know! Feel free to comment in the comments section below...
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Will Smith On Success & What It Takes...
Hello Friendly Blog Followers,
I was forwarded this video blog from a good friend.

I am not sure of who the guy is in the video (ahhh, no, not Will). Nor am I even certain he's accomplished anything, so please do not take this site as a recommended site. But, the this particular post - more importantly, message...Made a lot of sense to me.
Feel free to check it out...
Will Smith On Success & What It Takes...
Till Tomorrow...
I was forwarded this video blog from a good friend.

I am not sure of who the guy is in the video (ahhh, no, not Will). Nor am I even certain he's accomplished anything, so please do not take this site as a recommended site. But, the this particular post - more importantly, message...Made a lot of sense to me.
Feel free to check it out...
Will Smith On Success & What It Takes...
Till Tomorrow...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
9 Powerful Tips To Action...
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”
Leonardo Da Vinci
To get things done you need to take action. Things seldom happen on their own.
But taking action can be difficult and hard. And so it’s easy to wind up in Lazyville or Procrastinationland a lot. How can you break out of such behaviour and develop a behaviour of taking more action?
Here are 10 tips that you’ll hopefully find useful.
1. Reconnect with the present moment.
This will help you snap out of over thinking and just go and do whatever you want to get done.
This is probably the best tip I have found so far for taking more action since it puts you in a state where you feel little emotional resistance to the work you’ll do. And it puts you in state where the right actions often just seem to flow out of you in a focused but relaxed way and without much effort.
One of the simplest ways to connect with the present moment is just to keep your focus on you breathing for a minute or two.
2. Be accountable to others.
My favourite...If you tell a bunch of people that you are going to do something then it will be hard to not do it. You don’t want to disappoint them. Or have to face up to them the next time you meet.
If you have a hard time getting going with something get some support. If you for instance workout, do it with a friend to motivate each other to take action – and actually go to the gym – when motivation runs low. Motivating each other and bringing enthusiasm when one of you is feeling low can really help to develop consistency and useful habits.
Think about how you can involve others to help all of you to take more action.
This tip works well. But it can put you in situation where you take action to avoid pain, to avoid judgement. And it can help you create pressure within yourself. Such a state may not always be the best one to be in to take action and perform well. One way to lessen such problems is to use this tip and then when you are about to take action you reconnect with the present moment to quiet negativity within yourself.
3. Be accountable to yourself.
In the long run a more consistent and perhaps healthier way to develop a habit of taking more action is to answer to yourself instead of others. To set your own standards and principles for how you will behave.
The problem with this one is that you are likely to cheat on yourself and rationalize how you don’t need to take action or follow your principles. When the social pressure of having to answer to others isn’t there it’s easy to slip and fall into laziness or procrastination.
But over time you can become more and more consistent with acting according to your own standards. I believe that one of the keys to develop this kind of thinking is to get off a dependence on external validation and be more internally validated.
If you can develop accountability to your own standards then it can be more consistent than the one you get from relying on being accountable to others. It comes from within so it doesn’t have to rely on other, outer circumstances that may fluctuate.
It is also very useful to help you feel good about yourself and to help you grow. If you rely on being accountable to others and their validation then you may grow but also feel confined by what others expect from you. If you are accountable to yourself then you set your limits wherever you want them.
4. Lighten up.
One way to dissuade yourself from taking action is to take whatever you are about to do too seriously. That makes it feel too big, too difficult and too scary. If you on the other hand relax a bit and lighten up you often realize that those problems and negative feelings are just something you are creating in your own mind. With a lighter state of mind your tasks seems lighter and becomes easier to get started with.
5. Use a limited to-do list.
A to-do list is a simple and great way to remember what you are about to do. But it’s easy to get overly enthusiastic when writing it and putting in too many items. And then when you look at that big list you feel drained and an urge to procrastinate.
But do you need to do all those things?
Think about what the absolutely most important items on the list are. Just two or three. Then put them on a new to-do list. This list will seem less daunting and I have found that it makes it easier to actually take action and get those things done.
6. Choose instead of should.
Here’s a small but useful tip. You don’t really need to do anything. You always choose what to do. Thinking about things this way removes the “shoulds” and “need tos” that take your personal power away and make you feel like you aren’t in control. When you think that you choose to do whatever you do then you regain the control and power. And it becomes easier to take action.
7. Focus on the how instead of the if’s.
What if’s can really mess with your mind. You can spend days, weeks or years thinking about what may happen if you take action. So instead of letting your mind get lost in what if’s focus on the how. In a situation focus on how you can do something, how you can solve a problem or achieve a goal. Get support and help from other people if you need to.
Focusing on the how puts your mind to better use and creates a positive attitude within rather than a negative and uncertain one. This makes it easier to take action without too much hand wringing and time spent over thinking things.
8. Get enthusiastic.
Enthusiasm is great emotional state to be in to get going and take action. And if you aren’t feeling enthusiastic then that’s OK too. You can pretty much always create enthusiasm within yourself. Check out 4 Powerful Reasons to Up Your Enthusiasm, and How to Do It for tips on how you can do that from both me and you (there are some really good suggestions in the comments section of that article).
9. Start small.
To get from a state where you just feel like sitting on your chair and doing nothing much to one where you take action over and over you can do this: start small.
Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much and land you in Procrastinationland. So instead, start with something that doesn’t seem so hard.
One of my favourites is simply to take a few minutes to clean my desk. After that the next thing doesn’t seem so difficult to get started with since I’m now in a more of a “take action” kind of mode.
What is your best tip for taking more action?
Leonardo Da Vinci
To get things done you need to take action. Things seldom happen on their own.
But taking action can be difficult and hard. And so it’s easy to wind up in Lazyville or Procrastinationland a lot. How can you break out of such behaviour and develop a behaviour of taking more action?
Here are 10 tips that you’ll hopefully find useful.
1. Reconnect with the present moment.
This will help you snap out of over thinking and just go and do whatever you want to get done.
This is probably the best tip I have found so far for taking more action since it puts you in a state where you feel little emotional resistance to the work you’ll do. And it puts you in state where the right actions often just seem to flow out of you in a focused but relaxed way and without much effort.
One of the simplest ways to connect with the present moment is just to keep your focus on you breathing for a minute or two.
2. Be accountable to others.
My favourite...If you tell a bunch of people that you are going to do something then it will be hard to not do it. You don’t want to disappoint them. Or have to face up to them the next time you meet.
If you have a hard time getting going with something get some support. If you for instance workout, do it with a friend to motivate each other to take action – and actually go to the gym – when motivation runs low. Motivating each other and bringing enthusiasm when one of you is feeling low can really help to develop consistency and useful habits.
Think about how you can involve others to help all of you to take more action.
This tip works well. But it can put you in situation where you take action to avoid pain, to avoid judgement. And it can help you create pressure within yourself. Such a state may not always be the best one to be in to take action and perform well. One way to lessen such problems is to use this tip and then when you are about to take action you reconnect with the present moment to quiet negativity within yourself.
3. Be accountable to yourself.
In the long run a more consistent and perhaps healthier way to develop a habit of taking more action is to answer to yourself instead of others. To set your own standards and principles for how you will behave.
The problem with this one is that you are likely to cheat on yourself and rationalize how you don’t need to take action or follow your principles. When the social pressure of having to answer to others isn’t there it’s easy to slip and fall into laziness or procrastination.
But over time you can become more and more consistent with acting according to your own standards. I believe that one of the keys to develop this kind of thinking is to get off a dependence on external validation and be more internally validated.
If you can develop accountability to your own standards then it can be more consistent than the one you get from relying on being accountable to others. It comes from within so it doesn’t have to rely on other, outer circumstances that may fluctuate.
It is also very useful to help you feel good about yourself and to help you grow. If you rely on being accountable to others and their validation then you may grow but also feel confined by what others expect from you. If you are accountable to yourself then you set your limits wherever you want them.
4. Lighten up.
One way to dissuade yourself from taking action is to take whatever you are about to do too seriously. That makes it feel too big, too difficult and too scary. If you on the other hand relax a bit and lighten up you often realize that those problems and negative feelings are just something you are creating in your own mind. With a lighter state of mind your tasks seems lighter and becomes easier to get started with.
5. Use a limited to-do list.
A to-do list is a simple and great way to remember what you are about to do. But it’s easy to get overly enthusiastic when writing it and putting in too many items. And then when you look at that big list you feel drained and an urge to procrastinate.
But do you need to do all those things?
Think about what the absolutely most important items on the list are. Just two or three. Then put them on a new to-do list. This list will seem less daunting and I have found that it makes it easier to actually take action and get those things done.
6. Choose instead of should.
Here’s a small but useful tip. You don’t really need to do anything. You always choose what to do. Thinking about things this way removes the “shoulds” and “need tos” that take your personal power away and make you feel like you aren’t in control. When you think that you choose to do whatever you do then you regain the control and power. And it becomes easier to take action.
7. Focus on the how instead of the if’s.
What if’s can really mess with your mind. You can spend days, weeks or years thinking about what may happen if you take action. So instead of letting your mind get lost in what if’s focus on the how. In a situation focus on how you can do something, how you can solve a problem or achieve a goal. Get support and help from other people if you need to.
Focusing on the how puts your mind to better use and creates a positive attitude within rather than a negative and uncertain one. This makes it easier to take action without too much hand wringing and time spent over thinking things.
8. Get enthusiastic.
Enthusiasm is great emotional state to be in to get going and take action. And if you aren’t feeling enthusiastic then that’s OK too. You can pretty much always create enthusiasm within yourself. Check out 4 Powerful Reasons to Up Your Enthusiasm, and How to Do It for tips on how you can do that from both me and you (there are some really good suggestions in the comments section of that article).
9. Start small.
To get from a state where you just feel like sitting on your chair and doing nothing much to one where you take action over and over you can do this: start small.
Getting started with your biggest task or most difficult action may seem too much and land you in Procrastinationland. So instead, start with something that doesn’t seem so hard.
One of my favourites is simply to take a few minutes to clean my desk. After that the next thing doesn’t seem so difficult to get started with since I’m now in a more of a “take action” kind of mode.
What is your best tip for taking more action?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Your Worst Enemy - Thinking Too Much
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.”
Maxwell Maltz
What is holding you back from taking action?
Well, here are five action-related mistakes that I have made many times. I (sometimes) still do. Not as much as I did once though. Things are gradually improving.
These are the just some of the ways to hold yourself back in life, stop yourself from taking action and getting what you want. There are more ways of course. But this time I want to focus on the five most essential things that I think has held me back and a bunch of other people as well.
1. Take your thoughts too seriously.
Thinking is often hyped up to be the best thing since sliced bread. In many cases it’s just holding you back. My perceptive is this: I am not my thoughts, I’m the observer of them. This allows me to not get too wrapped up in them. And to avoid thinking that what they are telling me is some kind of absolute truth. Often it’s just stuff that isn’t so useful that is boppin around in my head. And you realize you don’t have to take the thoughts so seriously. You can disregard them if you like.
With this perspective it becomes easier to get some distance to your thoughts and be in control of them instead of being controlled by them. This allows you to take action despite whatever your thoughts may be telling you. Common sense is of course necessary, but I think we often know what thoughts we should listen to and what thoughts that are just negative nonsense.
2. Take your emotions too seriously.
There is a time to listen to your emotions. There are a lot of times when that is not such a good idea. Again, to me, emotions are something that I’m observing. This allows distance to them and enables you to take them less seriously if that is useful for you in a situation.
If you have a negative emotion that is holding you back from taking action, then what can you do besides learning to take it less seriously?
One thing is to just accept that the feeling is there inside of you. Instead of rejecting it and trying to keep it out – thereby feeding more emotional energy into the feeling and making it stronger – let the feeling in and accept it. By just feeling the feeling fully without putting a label on it – you just observe it – you can reduce the power of the negative feeling within a few minutes. And then you can move your focus to taking action without – or with a smaller – feeling of uneasiness in your stomach.
Another way is simply to reframe how you view the situation. If you fill it with dread – via your thoughts – then you won’t feel like taking action. If you change how you look at it though, you can often change the negative emotions into positive ones. A useful way to reframe a situation is to ask yourself: what is awesome about this situation? This way you can start to look at it through a new, more positive set of lenses and at the same time pump up your enthusiasm which makes it easier to get started.
Taking your thoughts and emotions less seriously when needed is like everything else. It’s a habit you build and grow stronger. You are slowly and gradually able to get less and less wrapped up in your thoughts and emotions.
3. Listen too intently to other people’s negative opinions.
I’ve mentioned this several times before. What people say about the world and about you might not be so much about you or the world you live in. It is often just about how the person that said it feels about him/herself and is projecting that on to his or her surroundings. If they are sharing negativity then that is more of reflection of them then of some certain reality.
Of course, there can be valid criticism of you or of some idea you might have. But on the other hand, a lot of negative opinions are based on how the one criticising sees the world, how he or she might want to be right in a conversation, how it is a way to strengthen his or her view of reality and to create a sense of security and feeling that everything is as it has always been.
I think you should listen to the opinions of people. Especially people who have gone where you want to go. But in the end try and make up your own mind as much as you can. And just try things out, experiment and see what works instead of listening too much to other people’s predictions.
4. Not creating enough energy within.
Without a good amount of energy within it becomes harder to take action. If you manage you basics well then you will have more energy to use to transform your ideas into reality. So if you get enough sleep, eat healthy and work out then you are giving yourself an advantage.
To me – I've never been a one to sleep well. I try to eat healthy - as best as I can that is – the most important part is working out regularly. It just makes you feel more energetic and decisive and taking action becomes easier. This is something I really put into action this past December.
5. Overplan, overread, overthink.
Overdoing things tends to not be such a smashing idea. It may sound like an excellent idea, but in my experience it often just devolves into more confusion and fewer things getting done.
Overplanning is one way of doing this. To ensure that everything will work out perfectly, you work on devising the perfect plan. You can certainly make a plan that addresses potential problems that may show up along the way as you are implementing the plan. The thing is just that when you put your plan into action stuff you hadn’t thought about can happen.
A perfect plan will probably be impossible to come up with. So after some planning it’s often better to take action, get to work with implementing the plan and addressing the unexpected stuff along the way when and if it shows up.
Overreading is another way to hold yourself back. You figure that you should read one more book or article and then take action. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Reading too much can also cause quite a bit of confusion as different experts may hand out different advice on how you, for instance, can build you business. So you read more and more to find the best way to build it.
Overthinking is popular way to procrastinate. It can cost you a lot of time as you imagine future, negative scenarios that probably will never materialise in the real world. In my experience, getting stuck in overthinking things only makes them more complicated than they are and can easily pull you down into a negative thought spiral where taking action becomes more and more scary.
So, overdoing things may sound like a good idea, but only if you are putting action into those things. Planning, reading and thinking are three things that are seen as something very good in society - And they are - But you can’t replace taking action.
Another sneaky problem is that all three of these things can make you feel like you are making progress - and that feels good. So, you continue doing them instead of taking action and replacing them with a realistic approach of making progress.
Till Tomorrow...
“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
“Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one’s ideas, to take a calculated risk – and to act.”
Maxwell Maltz
What is holding you back from taking action?
Well, here are five action-related mistakes that I have made many times. I (sometimes) still do. Not as much as I did once though. Things are gradually improving.
These are the just some of the ways to hold yourself back in life, stop yourself from taking action and getting what you want. There are more ways of course. But this time I want to focus on the five most essential things that I think has held me back and a bunch of other people as well.
1. Take your thoughts too seriously.
Thinking is often hyped up to be the best thing since sliced bread. In many cases it’s just holding you back. My perceptive is this: I am not my thoughts, I’m the observer of them. This allows me to not get too wrapped up in them. And to avoid thinking that what they are telling me is some kind of absolute truth. Often it’s just stuff that isn’t so useful that is boppin around in my head. And you realize you don’t have to take the thoughts so seriously. You can disregard them if you like.
With this perspective it becomes easier to get some distance to your thoughts and be in control of them instead of being controlled by them. This allows you to take action despite whatever your thoughts may be telling you. Common sense is of course necessary, but I think we often know what thoughts we should listen to and what thoughts that are just negative nonsense.
2. Take your emotions too seriously.
There is a time to listen to your emotions. There are a lot of times when that is not such a good idea. Again, to me, emotions are something that I’m observing. This allows distance to them and enables you to take them less seriously if that is useful for you in a situation.
If you have a negative emotion that is holding you back from taking action, then what can you do besides learning to take it less seriously?
One thing is to just accept that the feeling is there inside of you. Instead of rejecting it and trying to keep it out – thereby feeding more emotional energy into the feeling and making it stronger – let the feeling in and accept it. By just feeling the feeling fully without putting a label on it – you just observe it – you can reduce the power of the negative feeling within a few minutes. And then you can move your focus to taking action without – or with a smaller – feeling of uneasiness in your stomach.
Another way is simply to reframe how you view the situation. If you fill it with dread – via your thoughts – then you won’t feel like taking action. If you change how you look at it though, you can often change the negative emotions into positive ones. A useful way to reframe a situation is to ask yourself: what is awesome about this situation? This way you can start to look at it through a new, more positive set of lenses and at the same time pump up your enthusiasm which makes it easier to get started.
Taking your thoughts and emotions less seriously when needed is like everything else. It’s a habit you build and grow stronger. You are slowly and gradually able to get less and less wrapped up in your thoughts and emotions.
3. Listen too intently to other people’s negative opinions.
I’ve mentioned this several times before. What people say about the world and about you might not be so much about you or the world you live in. It is often just about how the person that said it feels about him/herself and is projecting that on to his or her surroundings. If they are sharing negativity then that is more of reflection of them then of some certain reality.
Of course, there can be valid criticism of you or of some idea you might have. But on the other hand, a lot of negative opinions are based on how the one criticising sees the world, how he or she might want to be right in a conversation, how it is a way to strengthen his or her view of reality and to create a sense of security and feeling that everything is as it has always been.
I think you should listen to the opinions of people. Especially people who have gone where you want to go. But in the end try and make up your own mind as much as you can. And just try things out, experiment and see what works instead of listening too much to other people’s predictions.
4. Not creating enough energy within.
Without a good amount of energy within it becomes harder to take action. If you manage you basics well then you will have more energy to use to transform your ideas into reality. So if you get enough sleep, eat healthy and work out then you are giving yourself an advantage.
To me – I've never been a one to sleep well. I try to eat healthy - as best as I can that is – the most important part is working out regularly. It just makes you feel more energetic and decisive and taking action becomes easier. This is something I really put into action this past December.
5. Overplan, overread, overthink.
Overdoing things tends to not be such a smashing idea. It may sound like an excellent idea, but in my experience it often just devolves into more confusion and fewer things getting done.
Overplanning is one way of doing this. To ensure that everything will work out perfectly, you work on devising the perfect plan. You can certainly make a plan that addresses potential problems that may show up along the way as you are implementing the plan. The thing is just that when you put your plan into action stuff you hadn’t thought about can happen.
A perfect plan will probably be impossible to come up with. So after some planning it’s often better to take action, get to work with implementing the plan and addressing the unexpected stuff along the way when and if it shows up.
Overreading is another way to hold yourself back. You figure that you should read one more book or article and then take action. Maybe tomorrow or next week. Reading too much can also cause quite a bit of confusion as different experts may hand out different advice on how you, for instance, can build you business. So you read more and more to find the best way to build it.
Overthinking is popular way to procrastinate. It can cost you a lot of time as you imagine future, negative scenarios that probably will never materialise in the real world. In my experience, getting stuck in overthinking things only makes them more complicated than they are and can easily pull you down into a negative thought spiral where taking action becomes more and more scary.
So, overdoing things may sound like a good idea, but only if you are putting action into those things. Planning, reading and thinking are three things that are seen as something very good in society - And they are - But you can’t replace taking action.
Another sneaky problem is that all three of these things can make you feel like you are making progress - and that feels good. So, you continue doing them instead of taking action and replacing them with a realistic approach of making progress.
Till Tomorrow...
Monday, January 9, 2012
Does Thinking & Personal Development Decrease Action?
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
What is stopping people from getting the results they want?
Well, for one I’d say a pretty common and self-imposed roadblock is thinking too much - At least for me.
In fact, one of the best tips for getting things done that I have learned so far is simply to stop thinking and start doing.
I think this problem of over thinking things is nothing that I’m alone with in the personal development community. I think it may be one of the problems that draw people to books and websites on self-help in the first place, and one of the things that still keep them from achieving what they want, even after they have picked up on a lot of helpful advice.
Because after having read five books you think and plan and think a little more. You get lost in thinking. At least that’s what I did. If you’re an over thinker then getting your hands on personal development information becomes just another way to creatively procrastinate. But now you can label it as making progress and get an emotional kick out of it.
Now, I’m not saying that educating yourself or thinking is something bad. But overdoing it won’t help you either.
Here are a couple of good reasons why.
1. Thinking can’t replace action.
I sometimes think there is some kind of wish when over thinking that thinking will somehow replace action. A wish that if you just think enough you can find some easy way out or get what you want without having to actually do something.
Without taking action you’ll most likely not get what you want. Thinking is however seldom as scary or uncertain as taking the leap into the unknown and taking action.
So it can become a place where you hide from taking action and then rationalize to yourself in different ways how all this thinking will help you. Even though you know deep down that what you really want and need is to take action and get going.
2. You may over complicate things.
Are things hard and difficult? Yeah, they might be. But you may also want consider that it’s you that are making them even harder.
By over thinking things you make them more and more complicated in your mind. You can turn something fairly simple into a really complicated and big mess. And so it goes from something you can do with some discomfort and persistence into an epic battle where you keep moving inch by painstaking inch.
A problem here is that when what you are doing is difficult and complicated then you and others think that it must be important. And so you feel important. You derive a sense of importance from making things into big struggles.
Such a thing can form into an identity where you are struggling and keeping on moving forward while you imagine other people lying at home in the sofa lazily watching some TV. It can strengthen you. It can make you feel negatively about other people. It may feel good in a sort of way to feel like an outsider or some kind of misunderstood underdog that’s up against so much. So it has its upsides.
However, you may also want to consider not making things to so hard for yourself. You don’t have to be a rebel that’s going against the world. You can just accept what you choose to do. And that other people choose to do other things.
Upsides such as a feeling of importance or of being the underdog may make it hard to give up the notion that what you are doing may not be that difficult and complicated. But I have found that when I do that then I become more relaxed and things tend to be easier to accomplish.
You can to some degree control how difficult something will be. Much of your struggle is up there in your head. Just try letting go of the notion of how awfully difficult something is and see what happens. You may be relieved. And surprised at how you have been making your life more complicated than it needs to be.
3. You’ll perform worse.
If you over think things you may over complicate them. And so you become nervous and start to second guess yourself all the time. It also becomes harder to focus on doing something when you have a have a habit of thinking a lot. You may often slip into possible future scenarios in your mind instead just focusing on what you are doing right now.
All of this can cripple your performance and produce results that are worse than they could have been.
How to stop thinking so much
So, I used to be a big over thinker. Still am. From time to time. But I have made progress. Here are three things I use to cultivate a habit of not over thinking things.
Be aware of the problem.
The most important thing is to be aware that you tend to over think. And to keep being aware of that in your everyday life. You can for instance do that with post-it notes that say “Don’t over think things. Act!” or something along those lines.
By just being aware of your habit you can often pick up on when you are doing it, stop yourself and do something more helpful instead. Over time it also becomes easier to step out of the loop of thoughts and not get stuck back in it a half an hour later.
Set deadlines for decisions.
Instead of thinking about something for days, tell yourself that you have – for example – 30 minutes to think. Then you will make a decision.
Be present.
Focus on what’s in front of you instead of flying off to the past or Tomorrow-land for long periods of time. A tennis player will for instance not think much while playing. They just trust their own subconscious and stay with the flow. Their body will – after years of practise – know what to do automatically.
The same goes for many things in everyday life. You don’t have to think a lot about everything. You can just stay present and let the right actions naturally arise.
This may sound a bit wonky, but if you just do things while being present you may discover that the results are often better than if you put in a lot of thought. Like the tennis player, you know what the right thing to do is and how to do it well from years of experience and practice. You just have to let go of all that thinking that can cripple you. And have trust in your capabilities.
OK, now let's all stop thinking about this thinking blog and go out and do something...
What is stopping people from getting the results they want?

In fact, one of the best tips for getting things done that I have learned so far is simply to stop thinking and start doing.
I think this problem of over thinking things is nothing that I’m alone with in the personal development community. I think it may be one of the problems that draw people to books and websites on self-help in the first place, and one of the things that still keep them from achieving what they want, even after they have picked up on a lot of helpful advice.
Because after having read five books you think and plan and think a little more. You get lost in thinking. At least that’s what I did. If you’re an over thinker then getting your hands on personal development information becomes just another way to creatively procrastinate. But now you can label it as making progress and get an emotional kick out of it.
Now, I’m not saying that educating yourself or thinking is something bad. But overdoing it won’t help you either.
Here are a couple of good reasons why.
1. Thinking can’t replace action.
I sometimes think there is some kind of wish when over thinking that thinking will somehow replace action. A wish that if you just think enough you can find some easy way out or get what you want without having to actually do something.
Without taking action you’ll most likely not get what you want. Thinking is however seldom as scary or uncertain as taking the leap into the unknown and taking action.
So it can become a place where you hide from taking action and then rationalize to yourself in different ways how all this thinking will help you. Even though you know deep down that what you really want and need is to take action and get going.
2. You may over complicate things.
Are things hard and difficult? Yeah, they might be. But you may also want consider that it’s you that are making them even harder.
By over thinking things you make them more and more complicated in your mind. You can turn something fairly simple into a really complicated and big mess. And so it goes from something you can do with some discomfort and persistence into an epic battle where you keep moving inch by painstaking inch.
A problem here is that when what you are doing is difficult and complicated then you and others think that it must be important. And so you feel important. You derive a sense of importance from making things into big struggles.
Such a thing can form into an identity where you are struggling and keeping on moving forward while you imagine other people lying at home in the sofa lazily watching some TV. It can strengthen you. It can make you feel negatively about other people. It may feel good in a sort of way to feel like an outsider or some kind of misunderstood underdog that’s up against so much. So it has its upsides.
However, you may also want to consider not making things to so hard for yourself. You don’t have to be a rebel that’s going against the world. You can just accept what you choose to do. And that other people choose to do other things.
Upsides such as a feeling of importance or of being the underdog may make it hard to give up the notion that what you are doing may not be that difficult and complicated. But I have found that when I do that then I become more relaxed and things tend to be easier to accomplish.
You can to some degree control how difficult something will be. Much of your struggle is up there in your head. Just try letting go of the notion of how awfully difficult something is and see what happens. You may be relieved. And surprised at how you have been making your life more complicated than it needs to be.
3. You’ll perform worse.
If you over think things you may over complicate them. And so you become nervous and start to second guess yourself all the time. It also becomes harder to focus on doing something when you have a have a habit of thinking a lot. You may often slip into possible future scenarios in your mind instead just focusing on what you are doing right now.
All of this can cripple your performance and produce results that are worse than they could have been.
How to stop thinking so much
So, I used to be a big over thinker. Still am. From time to time. But I have made progress. Here are three things I use to cultivate a habit of not over thinking things.
Be aware of the problem.
The most important thing is to be aware that you tend to over think. And to keep being aware of that in your everyday life. You can for instance do that with post-it notes that say “Don’t over think things. Act!” or something along those lines.
By just being aware of your habit you can often pick up on when you are doing it, stop yourself and do something more helpful instead. Over time it also becomes easier to step out of the loop of thoughts and not get stuck back in it a half an hour later.
Set deadlines for decisions.
Instead of thinking about something for days, tell yourself that you have – for example – 30 minutes to think. Then you will make a decision.
Be present.
Focus on what’s in front of you instead of flying off to the past or Tomorrow-land for long periods of time. A tennis player will for instance not think much while playing. They just trust their own subconscious and stay with the flow. Their body will – after years of practise – know what to do automatically.
The same goes for many things in everyday life. You don’t have to think a lot about everything. You can just stay present and let the right actions naturally arise.
This may sound a bit wonky, but if you just do things while being present you may discover that the results are often better than if you put in a lot of thought. Like the tennis player, you know what the right thing to do is and how to do it well from years of experience and practice. You just have to let go of all that thinking that can cripple you. And have trust in your capabilities.
OK, now let's all stop thinking about this thinking blog and go out and do something...
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hello Friendly Blog Followers...
Recently came across and read an interesting Sales article, that I decided to re-write, to more appropriately connect with the business I run. I find that when I write, I tend to sort things out in my head, which allows me to focus my business better. It may or may not suit your business. However, I feel than in many respects, what's written below can and help anyone in a business or profession that requires them to approach, communicate & deal with people...
What’s wrong with old-fashioned selling some people ask? ANSWER: It’s pushy, it’s aggressive, it sizes you up immediately either into a sucker or a tire-kicker. In my opinion, it proves the salesperson needs you, more than you need the sales person. The main problem is that everyone hates it.
You hear it when people reference used-car salesmen...They say “He could sell ice to Eskimos,” or compare them to “Insurance salesmen, I don’t trust the lot of ‘em.” But most salespeople are not like that, Think Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman or Danny Devito’s character in the 1987 film Tin Men.
Today's Salespeople are taught that it is a balance between talking and more importantly listening. Then presenting the product and matching to the customers’ wants & needs. They know they have to build trust first, not after the sale.
Remember the old American Express holiday tv commercials in the 80′s? The couple were shopping in a busy store trying to get attention and finally held up their AMEX card to get service. That’s not selling, that’s opportunism; treat them special because you “know they’re going to buy.”
But not everyone you meet will want to buy from you today. Not everyone you think is “just looking,” truly is. And not everyone will want to partner with you, simply because you believe it's right & they should. That’s what led our business to the SW, SW, SW, N formula.
Some Will, Some Won’t, So What? Next!
Today, we can even add in another SW acronym.
Some Will, Some Won't, Some Wait, So What, Next!
In my opinion, it doesn't matter what one does in life for their business or j.o.b. Every single person that works "is" marketing and/or selling a product or service - EVERYONE.
Being in today's workforce (employee or business owner) can be compared to being a basketball player. The more "successful" free-throws you shoot, the more likely you are to duplicate them. The greats know the only way to do better is practice how they approach the shot. In business, it is also a game. The more people you meet, the better your skills become, the more likely you are to achieve whatever it is you set out to achieve; A sale, a partner etc.
But it starts with genuinely wanting to both meet people and move products & services. Without both traits, you can have the nicest guy in the world who never gets around to moving the products and/or services because they talk so much. This irritates owners and customers alike. And if he only looks at you with dollar signs in your eyes, you feel empty and used because they “sold” you something (you tell yourself) you didn’t need.
The only way to build trust these days is to slow down and focus, silence your judgements, open your eyes. Notice there is an "individual" / "person" / "human being" in front of you. They are "not" a guest, client, prospect, or customer. They are a human being just like you and I. The only way we will achieve whatever it is we set out to achieve, is if we afford ourselves the time & luxury of making a "real" connection with the person - Before you try to "close" them.
How do we do that you ask? Simply by asking the right questions and listening. Listen more than you speak. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should use them proportionately - Meaning "listen" twice as much as we "talk".
Yes you can find out after the fact that their daughter goes to the same school as you. But that’s too late. Yes you can followup with a handwritten thank you note. But if you didn’t establish trust with your attention to them at the beginning, it rings shallow and is a waste of time.
Listen to everything they say - Everything. This will (guaranteed) help you hear something that "they" say, that you will then be able to equate to what ever it is you're selling.
Some Will, Some Won't, Some Wait, So What, Next...
Remember the additional SW - Some Wait...This is extremely important and key in today's economy. More and more I find that people who say no today (or in the past), are in a different place, mindset, employment situation 6 months or a year from now.
We just had some incredible announcements from our company this past week.
My goal this week is to call every single no I've ever received, to 1) check in with them. See how they are, what they're up to, how their personal and professional life is etc., and to let them know 2) how I am, that I am "still" doing what I am doing, that business is great and continues to grow, and 3) to let them know that when I heard of the new announcements our company released this past week, that I thought of them. Tell them you are calling them with one question in mind...
"If I could share with you how you could put yourself in a position to "never" pay for a phone and/or internet bill "ever again", would you want me to show you how?"
If their answer is yes, then I will request 15-20 minutes of their time to show them how.
I think what we will find is that most who said "no" previously, might have meant "not now" - which in our world means, "Some Wait".
Have a great day ladies & gents. Not sure if this made a lot of sense to you, but it helped me personally focus on what it is I have to do moving forward...
Recently came across and read an interesting Sales article, that I decided to re-write, to more appropriately connect with the business I run. I find that when I write, I tend to sort things out in my head, which allows me to focus my business better. It may or may not suit your business. However, I feel than in many respects, what's written below can and help anyone in a business or profession that requires them to approach, communicate & deal with people...
What’s wrong with old-fashioned selling some people ask? ANSWER: It’s pushy, it’s aggressive, it sizes you up immediately either into a sucker or a tire-kicker. In my opinion, it proves the salesperson needs you, more than you need the sales person. The main problem is that everyone hates it.
You hear it when people reference used-car salesmen...They say “He could sell ice to Eskimos,” or compare them to “Insurance salesmen, I don’t trust the lot of ‘em.” But most salespeople are not like that, Think Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman or Danny Devito’s character in the 1987 film Tin Men.
Today's Salespeople are taught that it is a balance between talking and more importantly listening. Then presenting the product and matching to the customers’ wants & needs. They know they have to build trust first, not after the sale.
Remember the old American Express holiday tv commercials in the 80′s? The couple were shopping in a busy store trying to get attention and finally held up their AMEX card to get service. That’s not selling, that’s opportunism; treat them special because you “know they’re going to buy.”
But not everyone you meet will want to buy from you today. Not everyone you think is “just looking,” truly is. And not everyone will want to partner with you, simply because you believe it's right & they should. That’s what led our business to the SW, SW, SW, N formula.
Some Will, Some Won’t, So What? Next!
Today, we can even add in another SW acronym.
Some Will, Some Won't, Some Wait, So What, Next!
In my opinion, it doesn't matter what one does in life for their business or j.o.b. Every single person that works "is" marketing and/or selling a product or service - EVERYONE.
Being in today's workforce (employee or business owner) can be compared to being a basketball player. The more "successful" free-throws you shoot, the more likely you are to duplicate them. The greats know the only way to do better is practice how they approach the shot. In business, it is also a game. The more people you meet, the better your skills become, the more likely you are to achieve whatever it is you set out to achieve; A sale, a partner etc.
But it starts with genuinely wanting to both meet people and move products & services. Without both traits, you can have the nicest guy in the world who never gets around to moving the products and/or services because they talk so much. This irritates owners and customers alike. And if he only looks at you with dollar signs in your eyes, you feel empty and used because they “sold” you something (you tell yourself) you didn’t need.
The only way to build trust these days is to slow down and focus, silence your judgements, open your eyes. Notice there is an "individual" / "person" / "human being" in front of you. They are "not" a guest, client, prospect, or customer. They are a human being just like you and I. The only way we will achieve whatever it is we set out to achieve, is if we afford ourselves the time & luxury of making a "real" connection with the person - Before you try to "close" them.
How do we do that you ask? Simply by asking the right questions and listening. Listen more than you speak. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. We should use them proportionately - Meaning "listen" twice as much as we "talk".
Yes you can find out after the fact that their daughter goes to the same school as you. But that’s too late. Yes you can followup with a handwritten thank you note. But if you didn’t establish trust with your attention to them at the beginning, it rings shallow and is a waste of time.
Listen to everything they say - Everything. This will (guaranteed) help you hear something that "they" say, that you will then be able to equate to what ever it is you're selling.
Some Will, Some Won't, Some Wait, So What, Next...
Remember the additional SW - Some Wait...This is extremely important and key in today's economy. More and more I find that people who say no today (or in the past), are in a different place, mindset, employment situation 6 months or a year from now.
We just had some incredible announcements from our company this past week.
My goal this week is to call every single no I've ever received, to 1) check in with them. See how they are, what they're up to, how their personal and professional life is etc., and to let them know 2) how I am, that I am "still" doing what I am doing, that business is great and continues to grow, and 3) to let them know that when I heard of the new announcements our company released this past week, that I thought of them. Tell them you are calling them with one question in mind...
"If I could share with you how you could put yourself in a position to "never" pay for a phone and/or internet bill "ever again", would you want me to show you how?"
If their answer is yes, then I will request 15-20 minutes of their time to show them how.
I think what we will find is that most who said "no" previously, might have meant "not now" - which in our world means, "Some Wait".
Have a great day ladies & gents. Not sure if this made a lot of sense to you, but it helped me personally focus on what it is I have to do moving forward...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Just Share It...
Good Morning Friendly Blog Followers...
Thanks for the kinds words, texts, emails and comments over the last couple of days/posts...
Yesterday, I received a really nice comment about how my blogs were helping someone in particular build their business. While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there which (some say) is half the battle.
(Again, some say), the other half is focusing on the fundamentals.
While I agree that commitment and focusing on the fundamentals are equally important, and should be your primary focus, there is a much more powerful element in order to achieve success - Your Why.
Today's post is entitled, Just Share It...
What I've learned in my life and career (in the music industry) is that if you didn't share your goals and ambitions with the people you knew and loved, then there's a very slim chance of those goals coming to fruition. Even though some of those people may not agree with them, you need to verbalize (over and over again) for you to take action on them.
Getting back to the story I was telling above about the person who "...While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there..." She commented that she wasn't doing a particular key fundamental as of yet... My thoughts after the fact was that maybe, just maybe, she hasn't clearly defined Her Why enough; Or maybe Her Why isn't strong enough - And this is what was holding her back from performing that particular fundamental. Just a thought.
Earlier this morning I read an interesting article on Your Why, and the importance of Sharing It...
Hope you like it...
...There is one thing above all else that you need to have firmly positioned inside your heart and mind.
That one thing is your WHY.
To have success into anything in life you need to know your WHY.
Your WHY is the purpose behind your actions and your primary motivation for accomplishing your goals or task at hand.
Define Your Why Factor
Your why must be very clear and well defined before you go anywhere with your business. You need total clarity with your WHY or it will be tough to not fail miserably.
Your ‘Why’ is your reason to stay disciplined and focused on building your business when times are good and when disaster strikes, and disaster will. These current economic times more than ever it is time to focus on the why factor.
I don’t know where you are in your business or career, maybe you just started, or you haven’t started, or maybe you’ve been doing it for years, but there is one thing I can say with complete confidence.
In any business you will be constantly tested and you need to keep focused in order to succeed. Having your WHY defined clearly in your mind will be the foundation to your success.
You need to find out your why. Define this in your mind before anything else.
Having a why is a constant reminder in the back of your mind pushing you when you meet a challenge. You need a why for when you had a trying and testing day. Your why get you back in the game and help you refocus to do it again.
Your Why Will Help You Succeed
Some of the most successful people in business had their most profitable ideas right after their biggest failure. They knew their “why” and had the correct mindset to never quit. They took their ideas and used proper application of their skills to achieve wealth.
The sole reason they were able to achieve success was because they knew why they were doing what they were doing. This why ensured they did not quit when a minor set back or even a major failure came.
I’ve seen too many people in business give up just short of the finish line. It’s painful to see someone defeat themselves. They defeated themselves because they didn’t have a strong enough why to push through the tough times.
It took 300
If you watched the movie 300 based loosely on the real events at PLACE, the Spartans who defended against the Persian invasion. They were able to accomplish this not only because of the skill of their fighting prowess but they had a strong why. In the actual history of this event if the Persians had not been halted briefly at PLACE they would have surely conquered all of Greece. These 300 or so soldiers could not fail, their why was too big.
Your ‘Why’ is what keeps you going when you face rejection over your product, service or opportunity.
Your why keeps you focused when your family or friends aren’t 100% behind you or even worse try to knock you down a notch.
Haven’t we all shared with our family a great idea only to have them not give you 100% support. Worse yet they may even tell you that you never will make it or that you are wasting your time. Having a strong why will make you almost immune to these type of occurrences.
What to do now
It’s time for you to define for yourself your WHY. Really think about it. Write it down. When tough times strike remind yourself that this is the reason why you are going through the ups and downs. Also, like so many things in life today, don’t put this off. This can be the difference between success and failure.
So, when times get tough; Setbacks move their way to the forefront; Your friends, family and/or colleagues question your intentions, Just Share It. Share what it is you want to achieve. Share that Why and they, at least some of them, will understand you better and want to help you. Even if the ones you thought would, don't, Your Why will keep you in the game long enough for you to succeed.
Till tomorrow...
Thanks for the kinds words, texts, emails and comments over the last couple of days/posts...
Yesterday, I received a really nice comment about how my blogs were helping someone in particular build their business. While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there which (some say) is half the battle.
(Again, some say), the other half is focusing on the fundamentals.
While I agree that commitment and focusing on the fundamentals are equally important, and should be your primary focus, there is a much more powerful element in order to achieve success - Your Why.
Today's post is entitled, Just Share It...

What I've learned in my life and career (in the music industry) is that if you didn't share your goals and ambitions with the people you knew and loved, then there's a very slim chance of those goals coming to fruition. Even though some of those people may not agree with them, you need to verbalize (over and over again) for you to take action on them.
Getting back to the story I was telling above about the person who "...While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there..." She commented that she wasn't doing a particular key fundamental as of yet... My thoughts after the fact was that maybe, just maybe, she hasn't clearly defined Her Why enough; Or maybe Her Why isn't strong enough - And this is what was holding her back from performing that particular fundamental. Just a thought.
Earlier this morning I read an interesting article on Your Why, and the importance of Sharing It...
Hope you like it...
...There is one thing above all else that you need to have firmly positioned inside your heart and mind.
That one thing is your WHY.
To have success into anything in life you need to know your WHY.
Your WHY is the purpose behind your actions and your primary motivation for accomplishing your goals or task at hand.
Define Your Why Factor
Your why must be very clear and well defined before you go anywhere with your business. You need total clarity with your WHY or it will be tough to not fail miserably.
Your ‘Why’ is your reason to stay disciplined and focused on building your business when times are good and when disaster strikes, and disaster will. These current economic times more than ever it is time to focus on the why factor.
I don’t know where you are in your business or career, maybe you just started, or you haven’t started, or maybe you’ve been doing it for years, but there is one thing I can say with complete confidence.
In any business you will be constantly tested and you need to keep focused in order to succeed. Having your WHY defined clearly in your mind will be the foundation to your success.
You need to find out your why. Define this in your mind before anything else.
Having a why is a constant reminder in the back of your mind pushing you when you meet a challenge. You need a why for when you had a trying and testing day. Your why get you back in the game and help you refocus to do it again.
Your Why Will Help You Succeed
Some of the most successful people in business had their most profitable ideas right after their biggest failure. They knew their “why” and had the correct mindset to never quit. They took their ideas and used proper application of their skills to achieve wealth.
The sole reason they were able to achieve success was because they knew why they were doing what they were doing. This why ensured they did not quit when a minor set back or even a major failure came.
I’ve seen too many people in business give up just short of the finish line. It’s painful to see someone defeat themselves. They defeated themselves because they didn’t have a strong enough why to push through the tough times.
It took 300
If you watched the movie 300 based loosely on the real events at PLACE, the Spartans who defended against the Persian invasion. They were able to accomplish this not only because of the skill of their fighting prowess but they had a strong why. In the actual history of this event if the Persians had not been halted briefly at PLACE they would have surely conquered all of Greece. These 300 or so soldiers could not fail, their why was too big.
Your ‘Why’ is what keeps you going when you face rejection over your product, service or opportunity.
Your why keeps you focused when your family or friends aren’t 100% behind you or even worse try to knock you down a notch.
Haven’t we all shared with our family a great idea only to have them not give you 100% support. Worse yet they may even tell you that you never will make it or that you are wasting your time. Having a strong why will make you almost immune to these type of occurrences.
What to do now
It’s time for you to define for yourself your WHY. Really think about it. Write it down. When tough times strike remind yourself that this is the reason why you are going through the ups and downs. Also, like so many things in life today, don’t put this off. This can be the difference between success and failure.
So, when times get tough; Setbacks move their way to the forefront; Your friends, family and/or colleagues question your intentions, Just Share It. Share what it is you want to achieve. Share that Why and they, at least some of them, will understand you better and want to help you. Even if the ones you thought would, don't, Your Why will keep you in the game long enough for you to succeed.
Till tomorrow...
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