Thanks for the kinds words, texts, emails and comments over the last couple of days/posts...
Yesterday, I received a really nice comment about how my blogs were helping someone in particular build their business. While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there which (some say) is half the battle.
(Again, some say), the other half is focusing on the fundamentals.
While I agree that commitment and focusing on the fundamentals are equally important, and should be your primary focus, there is a much more powerful element in order to achieve success - Your Why.
Today's post is entitled, Just Share It...

What I've learned in my life and career (in the music industry) is that if you didn't share your goals and ambitions with the people you knew and loved, then there's a very slim chance of those goals coming to fruition. Even though some of those people may not agree with them, you need to verbalize (over and over again) for you to take action on them.
Getting back to the story I was telling above about the person who "...While they were not at the place in business they wanted to be, they said they were committed to getting there..." She commented that she wasn't doing a particular key fundamental as of yet... My thoughts after the fact was that maybe, just maybe, she hasn't clearly defined Her Why enough; Or maybe Her Why isn't strong enough - And this is what was holding her back from performing that particular fundamental. Just a thought.
Earlier this morning I read an interesting article on Your Why, and the importance of Sharing It...
Hope you like it...
...There is one thing above all else that you need to have firmly positioned inside your heart and mind.
That one thing is your WHY.
To have success into anything in life you need to know your WHY.
Your WHY is the purpose behind your actions and your primary motivation for accomplishing your goals or task at hand.
Define Your Why Factor
Your why must be very clear and well defined before you go anywhere with your business. You need total clarity with your WHY or it will be tough to not fail miserably.
Your ‘Why’ is your reason to stay disciplined and focused on building your business when times are good and when disaster strikes, and disaster will. These current economic times more than ever it is time to focus on the why factor.
I don’t know where you are in your business or career, maybe you just started, or you haven’t started, or maybe you’ve been doing it for years, but there is one thing I can say with complete confidence.
In any business you will be constantly tested and you need to keep focused in order to succeed. Having your WHY defined clearly in your mind will be the foundation to your success.
You need to find out your why. Define this in your mind before anything else.
Having a why is a constant reminder in the back of your mind pushing you when you meet a challenge. You need a why for when you had a trying and testing day. Your why get you back in the game and help you refocus to do it again.
Your Why Will Help You Succeed
Some of the most successful people in business had their most profitable ideas right after their biggest failure. They knew their “why” and had the correct mindset to never quit. They took their ideas and used proper application of their skills to achieve wealth.
The sole reason they were able to achieve success was because they knew why they were doing what they were doing. This why ensured they did not quit when a minor set back or even a major failure came.
I’ve seen too many people in business give up just short of the finish line. It’s painful to see someone defeat themselves. They defeated themselves because they didn’t have a strong enough why to push through the tough times.
It took 300
If you watched the movie 300 based loosely on the real events at PLACE, the Spartans who defended against the Persian invasion. They were able to accomplish this not only because of the skill of their fighting prowess but they had a strong why. In the actual history of this event if the Persians had not been halted briefly at PLACE they would have surely conquered all of Greece. These 300 or so soldiers could not fail, their why was too big.
Your ‘Why’ is what keeps you going when you face rejection over your product, service or opportunity.
Your why keeps you focused when your family or friends aren’t 100% behind you or even worse try to knock you down a notch.
Haven’t we all shared with our family a great idea only to have them not give you 100% support. Worse yet they may even tell you that you never will make it or that you are wasting your time. Having a strong why will make you almost immune to these type of occurrences.
What to do now
It’s time for you to define for yourself your WHY. Really think about it. Write it down. When tough times strike remind yourself that this is the reason why you are going through the ups and downs. Also, like so many things in life today, don’t put this off. This can be the difference between success and failure.
So, when times get tough; Setbacks move their way to the forefront; Your friends, family and/or colleagues question your intentions, Just Share It. Share what it is you want to achieve. Share that Why and they, at least some of them, will understand you better and want to help you. Even if the ones you thought would, don't, Your Why will keep you in the game long enough for you to succeed.
Till tomorrow...
Good M.A.D. Morning. :D It is a New Day!
ReplyDeleteYou have hit the nail square on the head for me. I have struggled with this issue, not so much of sharing, but of securing my strongest WHY.
Maybe I just need therapy... LOL.
I will get there. I have support, I have amazing leaders who have not given up on me. I just need to keep digging. I will let you know when I have it solidified :)
Thank you once again.
"You Go Girl..."
Kathy Angus Greensid e11:39am Jan 6
ReplyDeleteBill thank you for your blogs. So look forward to them very inspiring.
Thanks Kathy. Much appreciated. Share the blog with your team. Love to help...